Borissov: Every minister must be at the forefront in his field


“Each minister must be at the forefront in his field and the government, together with the Bulgarian citizens, must act as a fist against the pandemic.” This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during an online working meeting with members of the government, the government press service said. The Prime Minister ordered that the joint actions of state institutions continue with the strictest organization, order and full mobilization. “We are doing this right now – with finance, with the economy, with measures. Without hesitation,” said the Prime Minister.

Borissov: We buy COVID-19 vaccines if parliament supports us

Prime Minister Borissov ordered the Minister of Health in front of all hospitals in our country, both public and private, to organize outposts in which brought patients can be quickly diagnosed and directed to the necessary medical care. “You use everything: firefighters, police, clothes. Ananiev has provided absolutely everything that is needed financially. Medicines – all kinds for all patients. All of this must be done immediately,” Borissov insisted. The Prime Minister also added that it is important for Bulgarian citizens to be informed that if they have been in contact with people with COVID-19, they should isolate themselves immediately.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov recalled that institutions such as the National Institute of Social Security and the Ministry of Health have hotel and sanatorium facilities throughout the country, which can also be used as accommodation. In this way, the pressure on hospitals can be further reduced when possible. According to the Prime Minister, it is extremely important to have flexibility and continue to carry out the necessary operations. “Life must go on,” Borissov said, adding: “I am convinced that we will still have vaccines in March-April, we will have something that will save the world and we will move on.”

Borissov: I will insist on full transparency in the supply of vaccines (VIDEO)

According to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, it is also important that trials do not stop and that institutions are able to operate online.

“The state should not shut down. In many countries, this is an easy approach: shut down, we shut down, the easiest, the cleanest. We have to convince people with common sense,” he said. “People need to know who made the decision. correct and that not giving up was only for her own good. Let’s fight in the most difficult moment, but let’s save them and we will get them out of the health, financial and economic crisis ”, Prime Minister Borissov was categorical. According to him, socio-economic measures should continue and there should be revenue in the budget. “Bulgaria with information technology, with everything that is done in the information technology sector, in the economy we will pull faster than others.” But to keep people too, that’s what I want from you ”, the Prime Minister addressed the members of the government. Borissov also pointed out that in this difficult period, interaction with local authorities is of great importance. “Help the mayors with everything you can,” Borisov told the ministers, adding: “Everything must work, but people must be careful, masks, distance, so that life does not stop.”


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