Borissov boasted that the government kept the economy alive


Borissov boasted that the government kept the economy alive

“In the context of the progressive crisis around the world, we are keeping the economy alive. Unlike many other countries, at the beginning of the year we did not close several sectors and the livelihoods of thousands of people were preserved. We will not stop there.”

This was written by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on his Facebook account. He said the government will continue to help citizens and businesses. “It won’t be easy, but with patience, common sense and unity we will do it,” he said.

“Bulgarian small and micro enterprises received a total of BGN 72 million to overcome the economic consequences of the Covid-19 crisis. The funds come from the” Innovation and Competitiveness “operational program. Grants range from BGN 3,000 to 10,000.” noted the prime minister.

Borissov added that another 200 million BGN in donations to support medium-sized companies has not yet been distributed. “The 60/40 measure continues to work perfectly. Nearly 200,000 people stayed working thanks to it. The support mechanism for the transport and tourism sectors has been launched with 290 BGN for job retention, as well as a new scheme for hiring the unemployed. “Borisov added.

Meanwhile, an extraordinary online meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation is scheduled for Saturday.

The Council will discuss bills to amend the National Health Insurance Fund Budget Act for 2020 and the Act to amend the State Social Security Budget Budget for 2020. The meeting will also consider a bill to amend the Ordinance. for the salaries of employees of the state administration.
