Borissov: And we can’t think of closing Sofia


Borissov: And we can't think of closing Sofia

The government does not intend to return severe anti-epidemic measures similar to some European capitals, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced on Sunday. On the other hand, the health budget will increase by the traditional five hundred million of the sector in the crisis of 2021, when a deficit is expected.

The new budget provides 460 million more BGN for health care, said Borissov, who visited Gabrovo, inspected the new church and saw the dam that feeds the region.

“I suppose how people feel when I see Madrid close, for example. Imagine going out and closing Sofia in total quarantine, it does not cross our minds.” Borisov commented. “Although we have said we will not do it, people are still concerned about it. Growth is skyrocketing across Europe, so it is important to explain what we are doing to overcome this horror.” added the prime minister.

Borissov suggested that the coronavirus would not disappear anytime soon. He recalled that the salaries of social workers, who have more commitments due to the pandemic, have increased by 30%.

Borissov said it was important not to increase the number of people infected with Covid-19 and urged mayors to continue taking the necessary measures. We are not closing anything, we are pushing the medical system to the maximum, said the Prime Minister, adding that that is why more funds are provided for medical care in the next budget. According to him, it is important to maintain mental health.

The Prime Minister also recalled that with the 2021 Budget and that teacher salaries are also increasing, which will cost an additional 360 million BGN.

“There are always dissatisfied people, and if they can express their dissatisfaction, then there is democracy.” Borissov said on the occasion of the protests against the government. “We were living in a time when the parents of today’s Democrats were crushing us, you couldn’t tell a joke about Todor Zhivkov and the party,” he added. Borissov joked that after seeing the debate in the United States, what are the political speeches and what epithets are measured, he calmed that in fact in Bulgaria it is normal for politicians to feel offended in this way.
