Boris Johnson tightens measures against COVID-19, the army also participates in the fight against the pandemic – EU


New restrictions on the spread of Covid-19 in the UK could remain in place for six months if the pandemic situation does not improve.

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This was stated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Boris johnsonBoris Johnson is a British politician, born on June 19, 1964 in New York. His paternal great-grandfather is in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Dailymail reports. The prime minister has confirmed that pubs, bars and other establishments in England must close at 10pm on Thursday, as the British government imposes new restrictive measures to try to stop the increase in new cases. Johnson said police will now have “the option of using military support when necessary” as fines for violating the rule of gathering up to six people would double to £ 200. The fine for not wearing a mask is also £ 200 The use of masks is expanding, which will now include all stores and taxis. The rule of not having more than 6 people in the same place remains in force, eliminating exceptions, such as for outdoor sports. The number of guests for a wedding is reduced from 30 to 15. The planned admission of people to the stadiums from October 1, as well as the meetings in the conference centers, is postponed. The government has already announced stiffer fines for violators of self-isolation rules, up to £ 10,000 (€ 10,909) for the most serious offenders.

England’s restaurants, bars and pubs will close sooner due to new measures to combat coronavirus

Johnson told lawmakers that the second wave of a pandemic was very real and that now was the time to act. In the context of expectations that a second nationwide quarantine could take place, he said: “I want to emphasize that this in no way means a return to full quarantine from March. We are not instructing people to stay. at home. Schools and universities remain open. “. The prime minister said that people were again urged to work from home, whenever possible.

The new measures come a day after top medical and scientific advisers warned of the virus spreading to all parts of Britain. Prime Minister Nicholas Sturgeon is expected to announce a similar move for Scotland. Additional restrictions are also posted for Wales and Northern Ireland. Several areas in the UK are already under local lockdown.

Johnson’s update in parliament on the coronavirus situation on Tuesday comes after meetings between his cabinet and the government’s COBRA crisis commission. He will also make a televised address to the nation Tuesday night on efforts to combat the virus. In response to a statement in parliament, opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer said Labor supported the new measures.

The United Kingdom registered 4,368 new cases of coronavirus and Italy, 1,350

In a televised statement on Monday, UK scientific adviser Sir Patrick Valance said that “cases doubling roughly every seven days,” there could be 50,000 new cases a day by mid-October if the increase continues unabated. Britain has the highest death toll in Europe during the pandemic with more than 41,800 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The 4,300 new infections reported on Monday reached a level not seen since early May. The highest daily number of new infections in the UK peaked at 6,199 cases on April 5.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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