BMA: Measures to come into force as soon as possible – Topics in development


“We Bulgarian doctors fully support the new restrictive measures announced by the Minister of Health, Professor Kostadin Angelov, and we look forward to their adoption in full form as soon as possible.” This is stated in the position of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Medical Union / BMA /, reported BTA.

“The cessation of work of establishments, discos, shopping centers, the termination of sporting events, seminars, excursions, competitions, congresses and all other measures are entirely for the benefit of Bulgarian society and will allow us doctors and the health system will take over. a breath of air, “say the doctors.

According to them, this is the only way to break the chain of infection, which has shown strong growth in recent weeks and has lost hundreds of lives.

“Let’s keep our distance, but let’s stick to each other in this battle,” urged the doctors, adding that it was time to unite in the name of life.

BIA insists on a National Program to support companies affected by restrictive measures in the fight against COVID-19

“We insist on the establishment of a national support program for Bulgarian companies affected by restrictive measures, which provides the opportunity to quickly receive compensation at state expense. One of the measures that the program should cover could be cost support. of companies ”, is stated in a letter from the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce / BIA / to the Minister of Economy in relation to the measures proposed today by the National Operational Headquarters to Combat COVID-19.

“Bulgarian companies understand the need to take restrictive measures aimed at preserving people’s lives and health. We note that in other European countries that have imposed similar restrictions in recent weeks, along with restrictive measures, economic measures were presented to large scale for the period of the so-called lockdown ”, they point out from BIA.

According to the organization, the measure is part of the Temporary Framework for state aid of the EC, modified and extended on October 13 of this year.

The BIA notes that in Austria, companies affected by the closure can request up to 80 percent of their turnover for the same period last year. A similar measure has been agreed in Denmark, where small and medium-sized companies, whose turnover has fallen by 30 percent as a result of COVID-19, can be compensated for up to 90 percent of their turnover and the large up to 70 percent.

Companies that were forced to close due to COVID-19 – incl. nightclubs, event planners, etc., can claim 100 percent compensation for your lost billing. In Hungary, the state will reimburse 80 percent of the value of reservations in the tourism sector made within a month before November 8 this year.

The BIA notes that despite the efforts of the Ministry of Economy, eight months after the outbreak of the pandemic and the declaration of a state of emergency in Bulgaria, most of the subsidies have not yet reached business.

The reason is that the funds are spent through operational programs, which are accompanied by a series of administrative procedures. As we have repeatedly emphasized in recent months, what is most important in supporting the current crisis is not so much its size as its timely provision, the chamber said.

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