BLITZ TV serious, unpleasant and unfortunate incident


Remember in Greece when an ATM was allowed to withdraw just 50 euros. If at any point the Bulgarians want to withdraw euros and there will be no horror. The Eurozone guarantees that as much as we have levs, we will receive as much euros. ” Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said in an extraordinary briefing at the Cabinet.

BLITZ remembers being there The Prime Minister stated categorically that “this week everything will be finalized in the documentation of the euro area and will be sent”.

“I am a convinced European. While we are in government, I think the European Council (EU) and Europe are the best place. If we want to be there, we will share everything, both good and bad. We were outside the EU and you know what the standard of living in our country, “said the prime minister, adding that he prays that Germany quickly repairs its economy every day because many Bulgarian companies are affiliated with the German ones.

“You know that yesterday, the Interior Ministry released certain information related to the investigation of the case and the arrest of the people who were driving the car that caused the accident. Currently, there are four people arrested. They have been arrested within 24 hours. “said the minister. Mladen Marinov regarding the accident in which journalist Milen Tsvetkov died.

The BLITC recalls that earlier today it was clear that it was Christian Nikolov’s girlfriend, 22, was also arrested..

In the meantime Yesterday, 24 hours behind bars, Christian’s mother – Desilava Nikolova. It is still unclear whether and what prosecution he will receive from prosecutors. The car that caused the accident turned out to be owned by his company.

Two more people were traveling in the car: a young woman and a 24-year-old man. The latter was also arrested. According to BLITS, this is the son of GERB MP Lachezar Ivanov, and the news was confirmed by the MP himself before our media.

“We would initiate and endorse all changes to the Road Safety Laws. But with scooters, it crashes. But a much, much more severe penalty for drug users should be considered here. Because they seemed to go through another category throughout the years”. .

Heavy, unpleasant, unhappy … what I say about this incident is bad. God forgive him. But the lessons must be learned and the laws must be changed very quickly, “Prime Minister Borisov said of the serious catastrophe that took Milen Tsvetkov’s life.


Posted by on Tuesday, April 21, 2020
