Biden asked Americans to wear masks – USA


Wearing masks is not a political position, US President-elect Joe Biden emphasized today, calling on his compatriots to wear masks to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus pandemic, BTA said, citing AFP.

“Please wear a mask,” Biden said at a time when many supporters of incumbent President Donald TrumpDonald trump

Donald Trump: American businessman and politician Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York refusing to wear a mask. “Do it for yourself, for your neighbor, the mask is not a political position, it is a good way to start uniting the country,” he stressed.

Biden said that until a coronavirus vaccine is publicly available, another 200,000 people could die from the infection in the country, the Associated Press reported. He warned his compatriots that a very gloomy winter awaited them.

Biden announced his team of experts to combat the coronavirus

Biden said science will guide him in crafting a plan for his administration’s response to the coronavirus. He stressed that after taking the oath on January 20, he will spare no effort in the fight against the pandemic, the DPA reported.

Biden also promised to provide more protective gear for doctors and expand testing.
