Before the virus, Dr. Miroslav Yordanov returned a patient to the brink of death twice, now he is on the front line.


The 29-year-old emergency physician specializes in the intensive care unit of the Veliko Tarnovo hospital.

He was in contact with two of the worst cases of COVID-19 there

Dr. Miroslav Yordanov, who created a medical miracle in the Gorna Oryahovitsa Emergency Department last November, specializes in the intensive care unit of the regional hospital in Veliko Tarnovo. For now, he has given up on the dream of taking a specialty in emergency medicine at Pirogov, has chosen to stay with his patients, for whom he has become a serial savior.

Pleven’s 29-year-old physician was nominated for “worthy Bulgarians” after returning twice from that world to a patient who was in clinical death for a total of 2 hours. Finally, the man with a massive heart attack from the Yantra village was transported and treated at the Cardiology Hospital in Veliko Tarnovo, and the young doctor continued to help patients

of service in Gorna


Veliko Tarnovo

and Pleven


“This is a great school, to work in medical emergencies. Worldwide and especially in developed countries, the emergency is the appearance of a hospital,” Dr. Yordanov is convinced.

He went to interviews in Sofia, but the requirement of the clinics was to move completely to the capital and start again. “We currently have a specialization in resuscitation in Tarnovo with Dr. Sibila Marinova. “I specialize in resuscitation anesthesiology, which is an alternative to emergency medicine, even at a higher level,” Chassa told 24. For now, he has stayed to work in the emergency room with the stipulation that when the state of emergency subsides, he will begin a basic employment contract in the intensive care unit.

However, this means that he will have to abandon emergency care in Gorna Oryahovitsa, where in less than 3 years he has become a magnet for the most serious and urgent cases. In addition to the patient with a massive heart attack, whom he brought out of death, m.g. the

save a man

cut thighs

your artery with


“She was in acute hemorrhagic shock. These are conditions in which she must react very quickly. One minute is life-threatening,” explains the doctor.

Back on duty on May 10, a 29-year-old pregnant woman carrying a dead fetus jumped from the fourth floor of a hospital in Gorna Oryahovitsa. “I was in contact, but in severe traumatic shock, with many fractures in the chest, abdomen, spine, there was no blood pressure. We first stabilized the situation because it could not be transported. We splinted it, placed it on an atraumatic plate, started with infusions, sources, oxygen, medical treatment. And after 30 minutes they took her to the Tarnovo hospital, where she underwent four operations, “said Dr. Yordanov.

It is also at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus. The emergency physician was in contact with two of the most serious cases of COVID-19 at the Veliko Tarnovo hospital.

“They were in the emergency room. One, a man from the village of Lesicheri, who had no coronavirus clinic at all, had respiratory failure and had completely different complaints. He underwent resuscitation treatment within 6-7 hours , after which

was accepted to



Because then

took everyone

sample, it turned out that

have a coronavirus

The second day he was already severely respiratory, with bilateral pneumonia, after 15 days he died, “says the doctor.

He also had contact with the first patient to die of COVID-19 in the Veliko Tarnovo region.

“The 74-year-old woman was discharged from cardiology, after 3 days it got worse again, but then she had a clinic for acute respiratory failure, she was in a more serious condition. We treated them like a crown, it turned out to be severe bilateral pneumonia She had severe heart failure and was placed in intensive care. It is believed that some of the staff became infected because her sample came out on the third or fourth day and she died on the sixth day, “says Dr. Yordanov.

According to the doctor, both patients had severe comorbidities, but COVID-19 contributed to the adverse result.

You are not afraid of infection, because you observe all anti-epidemic measures during initial contact with patients. In case of evidence of severe respiratory failure, wear a COVID-19 suit. The rest of the time he uses disposable personal protective equipment: gloves, stockings, masks and a surgical cap, because in the emergency room he works with blood products, secretions and all kinds of body fluids. He says he is equipped, but especially

at 30 degrees

difficult to walk

in the directions

Dressed as


“We work with personal protective equipment, we take care of ourselves, but you cannot be sure and know which patient is a carrier and who is the true coronavirus patient.” Only 15% of all patients develop bronchopneumonia with severe respiratory failure, making it very difficult to recognize at first if you are not in a serious condition, “says the doctor.

Many infected doctors in the country explain with

mistakes in

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“I cannot explain it in any other way with the fact that you have absolutely all the protection equipment, you work according to all the requirements and at some point you become infected, which means that somewhere there has been contamination and inhalation of this virus” , said. -r Yordanov. That is why he had to explain to the head of the health inspection in Veliko Tarnovo exactly how he removed the suit after contact with a patient with a coronavirus. Therefore, it was determined that there was no risk of infection and quarantine. So far, three laboratory PCR tests have been performed in Pleven every 14 days. Fortunately, they are all negative.

“24 hours” distinguishes the “worthy Bulgarians of the year” of 2003. During these 18 years, during which more than 700 people received the prestigious title, the initiative has established itself as a cause that affirms the good of the Bulgarians and finds new heroes of our time. .

On March 16 we announced that the “Decent Bulgarian” award for this year is collective, for all Bulgarian doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, radiologists, ambulance drivers, for people on the front line.

The good in Bulgaria has many faces. See the story of Dr. Miroslav Yordanov, who twice last year saved a man from clinical death, and is now at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus.
