BAS sounds the alarm for COVID-19. Scientists are concerned about what is happening in our country – Diseases


Members of the Department of Medical Sciences of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which includes some of the most prominent specialists in the field of medicine and health, are extremely concerned about the threatening development of the coronavirus pandemic in Bulgaria and in all the world. More than 43 million people are already infected in the world and more than 1.2 million have died, in our country – more than 43,000 are infected, of which almost 2,000 are health workers, more than 2,200 are in hospital, almost 1,150 are dead. This is stated in a scientific opinion published today.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 14018

“These values ​​are increasing daily and the forecasts are really very alarming, especially given the next flu epidemic at the end of the year. The negative impact of the pandemic is enormous not only on human health but also on the social and economic life of the country. “. , is said in the BAS position.

Scientists worry that there are still people who do not understand or deny the seriousness of this pandemic and create many difficulties in the proper, scientific and practically justified fight against it. They remind us of the long-lasting health consequences of disease.

“This requires a total unification of the efforts of the entire society, of all state, municipal and other public institutions, of each sober citizen to combat coronavirus infection. Our professional and moral obligation is to contribute our rich experience and knowledge. to understand and master This pandemic is of great health, economic and social importance. There is an enormous amount of information that appears and is updated in the public every day about the mechanism of infection, its diagnosis and treatment, and especially prevention, that we monitor and analyze closely. ”They are categorical of BAS.

Data reported by the world’s largest centers for infectious diseases, such as the WHO, the US Centers for Disease Control, the European Centers for Disease Control, Johns Hopkins University, USA, The Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany and many others, strongly propose measures and support a policy to limit the pandemic by:

– introduction of quarantine measures of different nature and size, depending on the local or national spread of the infection,

– high civil discipline and awareness of wearing masks in public places and prescription glasses to correct vision, as it is an airborne infection,

– observance of social and physical distance, with restriction of massive public events,

– high personal hygiene, especially with regular hand washing, as the virus can remain on various surfaces for a long time,

– the adoption of means to support the immune system when the person is still clinically healthy, for prophylactic purposes, to stimulate natural innate immunity,

– unnecessarily limit social contacts,

– active outdoor sports,

– Complete food with a predominance of fruits and vegetables.

The observance of all these measures, which are actively offered in our country so far, are the only possibilities to limit the coronavirus infection. Medical science does not yet have its specific causal treatment, a truly harmless and effective vaccine is also a problem for the future. What we can all do as a society and as individuals is show a high sense of awareness and discipline and meet these basic requirements, thereby reducing the alarming spread of infection and its consequences. We pay special attention to the media, since the behavior of society depends a lot on objective information, without introducing unnecessary panic and anxiety, and in this sense we express our support for the policy followed by the Ministry. of Health and the National Operational Headquarters, which is scientifically sound and only correct and at present. We greatly appreciate the activity of our colleagues from other BAS units, who with their practical work and competent appearances in the media contribute to the correct understanding and treatment of coronavirus infection ”, BAS explained.

The opinion was signed by renowned and respected scientists, including: Acad. Bogdan Petrunov, Acad. Vladimir Ovcharov, Acad. Vanyo Mitev, Acad. Damyan Damyanov, Acad. Ivan Milanov, Acad. Lachezar Traikov, Acad. Nikolay Popov, Acad. Petya Vasileva, Acad. Radomir Radomirov, Corresponding Member Asen Gudev, Corresponding Member Grigor Gorchev, Corresponding Member Ivan Mitov, Corresponding Member Yovcho Topalov, Corresponding Member Nikolay Petrov, Corresponding Member Nikolay Tsankov, Corresponding Member Olga Polyakova, Corresponding Member Chavdar Slavov.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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