Bars close, restaurant restrictions are imposed – 【World News】 • current information, topics and news


The South Korean capital and surrounding areas will close bars and nightclubs and restrict religious gatherings as well as restaurant operations to control the third wave of coronavirus infection, Health Minister Pak Nyon-hu said, according to Reuters.

The Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 330 new cases of infection have been reported in the past 24 hours, which, although less than yesterday (386), exceeded 300 for the fifth day in a row. The third wave of COVID-19 epidemics is unfolding in full force. The situation is extremely dire, Pack said at a briefing. He said the outbreak was based on outbreaks in the densely populated area of ​​the capital Seoul, home to nearly half of South Korea’s 52 million people.

As of Tuesday, the great cafes of the capital and its surroundings will only be able to serve home orders, and restaurants will be able to serve customers until 9:00 p.m. Restrictions are imposed on sites such as gyms, as well as visits to religious and sporting events. Earlier today, Prime Minister Chun Se-kyeon told a government meeting that social distance measures may need to be introduced to rule out the possibility of further spread of the epidemic, the Yonhap news agency reported. “We are at a critical juncture where the number of infected people across the country could really increase significantly,” Chun said.

A spokesman for the Korean Agency for Disease Control and Prevention said yesterday that South Korea could face an epidemic that would surpass the first two waves of infection if it did not slow the current spread. The tightening of the measures aims, in part, to be able to take the national university entrance test scheduled for December 3, which is of utmost importance for future students. South Korea uses a combination of intensive contact monitoring and testing, as well as quarantine measures, to suppress outbreaks without requiring a complete shutdown. The total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic is 30,733 with 505 deaths.

South Korea
