Barekov spoke of a very strange symptom that makes COVID-19 even more dangerous


Nikolai Barekov, who survived the coronavirus, told about a very strange symptom, which appears only in 2-3% of patients.

According to him, they are mostly very healthy people.

This is what he revealed on Facebook about the treatment of COVID-19.

“Regarding the questions of whether I would get a vaccine. No, because we did it COVID with the whole family. We have a high% of antibodies, but the immunity at the cellular level, which is the most important thing, is practically for life.

I have not been treated with drugs from my loved ones or my relatives. The much acclaimed Remdesevir, which is used preventively by Bulgarian politicians and oligarchs, I do not recommend you for COVID treatment, because it is an extremely heavy preparation that fatally destroys your liver.

I got rid of the virus very easily, perhaps because I am a training man and took the most common antibiotic azithromycin from day 5 and quinine in two varieties, as well as the Russian antiviral drug Arbidol in 5 days. I listened to competent doctors.

Because I had no visible symptoms and a fever, I started treatment somewhere on day 4 and gradually deployed the artillery of anti-virus drugs. I started with arbidol and quinine and killed it after 8 days with malaria – atoviquon.

On the 10th, the virus called with a nocturnal back pain and a morning fever of just under 37 degrees. That was his last breath. Quinine and my gene / immunity had seen the bill.

I drank a lot of tea with lemon and honey, a decoction of parsley and vitamins. My changes in lung percentage were on day 4 – 0.07%, on day 16 – 0.5%.

There are also various blood thinners, but they only gave me mild supplements. Blood imaging is also monitored for important indicators such as ferritin, D-dimers, CRPv, fibrogen, LDH, liver indicators.

I observed complete rest and relaxation. He had a lot of energy and a high tone and couldn’t even sleep with them. This is also a symptom of COVID – about 2-3% of those infected acquire a super tone instead of fatigue – they are mostly physically healthy people without symptoms and the virus uses them to spread it as “super spreaders” among many other people .

I observed complete isolation and quarantine and therefore did not harm others. Be healthy and resilient. If the virus came, say you will see your bill. Patience for two weeks and without panic.

Immunity wants calm and a healthy mind and body, which is built on many sports and positive emotions.

I was vaccinated by the WHO with all other African vaccines and I fought viral infections in the jungles of Africa, Asia and Latin America, and then they treated me only with quinine. So did my grandmother with me when I had a cold as a child. “
