Atanas Bobokov finally remains in detention despite his deteriorating health – Bulgaria


Atanas Bobokov remains in detention despite his deteriorating health

© Julia Lazarova

Atanas Bobokov remains in detention despite his deteriorating health

The specialized appeals court refused to release businessman Atanas Bobokov with a milder measure of restraint, despite his deteriorating health. Last week, the court appointed an urgent expert examination, for which three doctors from the Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior were hired.

Today in court they explained that after a knee operation 11 months ago, Bobokov had problems, but according to doctors, there is nothing to do to alleviate his condition, except take medicine and undergo rehabilitation. According to experts, this is still being applied and it does not matter if he will be detained or not. However, the experts themselves admitted that they had never been in preventive detention and were unaware of the conditions there.

“How can this experience claim that I can be treated in the remand center when they don’t know what the conditions are there? This is, to put it mildly, frivolous and unprofessional,” said Bobokov, who was on crutches in court today. , to the magistrates. .

The prosecution insisted that he remain behind bars with the same argument: that he could be treated there and, if necessary, be transferred for procedures and taken to hospital. Among the reasons for the state indictment was that Bobokov left the leadership positions in “Monbat”, but still had a great influence, since he still had shares.

“Does the state attorney’s office want me to sell my shares to someone? Are there buyers?” Bobokov asked, adding that this was no reason to keep him in custody for nearly five months.

According to the court panel, there is sufficient evidence to incriminate him in a crime. He, along with his brother Plamen, the former Deputy Minister of Ecology Krassimir Zhivkov, the former head of the Pleven Ecological Inspectorate Gabriel Savov and businessmen Nikolay Mihovski and Aygun Eminov have been accused of being part of a criminal group. The prosecution alleges that the company “Monbat” imported hazardous waste, which after processing was not delivered for destruction and storage to companies that have a license and technological capacity to do so. Thus, the criminal group had a severe impact on the environment.

The court’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.
