AstraZeneca: Our vaccine is also effective in adults – Medications


Recent real-world data is based on growing evidence that the AstraZeneca vaccine is effective in reducing infections and saving lives.

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Data will continue to accumulate over the coming weeks and months, expanding understanding of effectiveness. These data will include information on two doses of the vaccine, which are expected to provide the best protection. AstraZeneca indicates this in a position on the data reported on the efficacy of its vaccine in England.

At the end of yesterday, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock announced the results of an independent analysis of real-world data from across England, suggesting that AstraZeneca’s COVID19 vaccine is highly effective in reducing COVID- infections. 19 in people over 70 years of age.

The data reported, collected and analyzed by Public Health England (PHE), has been submitted for publication as preprint (for review by two independent reviewers).

In subjects older than 80 years, data suggest that a single dose of any vaccine (AZ / Oxford or Pfizer / Biontech) is more than 80% effective in preventing hospitalizations approximately 3-4 weeks after vaccination. These are initial data and additional time is needed to fully assess the effect of AstraZeneca’s COVID19 vaccine and, in particular, on mortality.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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