Association Prof. Angel Kunchev: If what happened in Vidin happens in Bulgaria, it will be a tragedy.


Association Prof. Angel Kunchev

If what happened in Vidin happens in Bulgaria, it will be a tragedy. If what happens in Targovishte happens, where we look for but we did not find the virus, it will be good. But it is very likely that what happened in Vidin will happen elsewhere in our country. This was stated to Nova TV by associate professor Angel Kunchev, who is part of the national operational headquarters.

“This pandemic has changed everyone’s life. There is no one unaffected,” said the state’s chief health inspector.

He also explained why it is not allowed to sit on benches in parks and gardens that would otherwise be open for walking. “The only reason is that there is no close contact between people,” said associate professor Kunchev.

According to him, many people not only followed the rules, but “followed them far beyond what we recommend.” “Thanks to them, we are in this situation and God forbid that others who do not follow the rules take precedence,” added Professor Kunchev.

However, he admitted that he was more optimistic about the development of the situation in our country a week or two ago. “I continue to affirm that at some point there will be a self-limitation of the spread of the virus. However, I do not like that many people see the easing of measures in our country as the end of the situation. No, it is not the end,” he said. Kunchev.

Regarding the Assoc’s criticism. Prof. Atanas Mangarov to the actions of the headquarters, the Assoc. Prof. Kunchev stated: you have to be a little more modest. “He added that when you are responsible for the entire nation, you cannot rely on theories.

Otherwise, associate professor Kunchev admitted that he is going to sea. But the Bulgarian summer holidays depended on each of us and on the observance of the measures.

He also said that he was fascinated by the spirit of the people, which manifested itself even in this difficult situation and the countless jokes that were born about the coronavirus.
