Associate Professor Kunchev: We have to endure the month of March – Diseases


The controversial batch of AstraZeneca vaccine has not been proven dead. This was stated on the air of Nova TV by the national health inspector. Associate Prof. Angel Kunchev.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 20984

“Several countries have reported that it causes side effects, including thrombosis,” he said. The state health inspector explained that the situation is being closely monitored, as similar information arrived yesterday from Italy. Kunchev also commented on the information that a person died in Bulgaria after being vaccinated, but there is no causal link between this.

Associate Professor Kunchev stated that he could not say anything specific about the fatal case of a Bulgarian after vaccination. “I don’t know what the Minister of Health meant.” It is important that we watch out for side effects after the vaccine. Virtually anyone can report them. So far, we have just over 830 reports of side effects. More than 95% of them are the ones we all know: mild pain, chills, flu-like symptoms. When there are severe symptoms, this leads to the creation of a group of experts to verify all the documentation. I give you an example when a vaccine test was done in Brazil. A serious side effect was reported, which turned out to be a broken arm. They are obliged to report, but the man had fallen down the stairs, “said Associate Professor Kunchev.

When asked if people would be ready to close the country again, he said that in 4-5 districts there is no need to close, but in the rest measures are needed.

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev warned: 20% of new COVID-19 cases occur in people under the age of 19.

“The fatigue of the pandemic is very great. People do not want to hear the facts. Dear ones, neither the headquarters nor the RHI produce viruses or spread them. It is very difficult in this situation to please everyone,” he added.

“If we impose a strong blockade, this does not mean that there will not be high morbidity. An example of this is Greece,” said Adjunct Professor Kunchev.

“We limit the pandemic. I keep saying that in these types of events everything affects, from air temperature, through popular psychology, to the properties of the virus, because they proved to be leaders. The characteristic of the British strain has led to an increase morbidity. “It started in England, is currently the highest in the Balkans and Eastern Europe,” he said.

According to him, the busiest hospitals can specialize in COVID. “We have done it, but I don’t think it is necessary. We have to endure the month of March, because it is the peak load of the third wave, and then things will start to weaken,” he said. .

The problem with restaurants is not in the presence of 50% of the people, but in their behavior in the last hours, said the national health inspector.

He revealed that yesterday the vaccination phase of the members of the polling stations ended, which blocked a large part of the vaccines.

“AstraZeneca deliveries for April have not been confirmed, it is not fatal yet, but if it does not happen in a week, it is concerning. The vaccines we receive from AstraZeneca are not manufactured in the United States. Vaccine quantities for March are they have confirmed so far, “he added.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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