Associate Professor Kunchev: The next 2-3 weeks are the last peak we have to cross


This is the last peak we have to overcome, in the next 2-3 weeks, after which I hope there will be a long bright period in spring and summer, as it was last year, the Head of Health Inspection told BNT of the State Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev.

In general, scientists predict that by early 2022, the covid problem will not disappear completely, but will become a respiratory virus that we will find in the autumn-winter season, but it will not be scary and we will not die en masse. of him, added the associate professor.

According to him, at the moment the data are bad, the increase is significant, but on the other hand this is not a surprise, because the same has been observed in Europe for about a month. There, around 60% of cases are an English variant of the coronavirus.

Associate Professor Kunchev explained that at this stage it is better if the measurements are local, because the differences are very large. The suspension of planned admission to hospitals was necessary due to the need for beds.

Regarding the opening of restaurants and bars, the associate professor insisted that the risk is comparable to the risk in the office, on the bus or in the store.

“I know how striking is the fact that the activity restriction in hospitals, and restaurants are working. The wave in Kyustendil started with closed restaurants and if someone thinks that by closing the restaurants, we will stop the wave and there will be no third parties.” Say hello, you’re wrong. There will be some effect, and the contacts will be made there, but if people act smartly, intelligently, if you visit the restaurant just to eat, if there are not 15 people in a large company, the risk is absolutely comparable to many other places, both in the office as well as on the street, in transport and in the store, “he said.

According to him, the characteristics of the virus from October to November have changed. First: it is transmitted more easily, second: the clinical picture has changed.

“In October, November, December, if someone told me I had a runny nose, I immediately told them that it was not a cold. Now, on the contrary, it starts out like a typical runny nose: nasal congestion, throat, cough, irritation.” Kunchev said.

The third thing is the change in age groups: 20% of new cases are under 19 years old, the virus is already spreading in kindergartens and schools.

According to Kunchev, the key is not to close, to prohibit, to control; the key is to realize that the problem is not over, because in society there is a scenario where everything is over, but unfortunately, we have not dealt with it yet. with kovid.

The Nigerian variant of the coronavirus has not been detected in Bulgaria so far. At the beginning of the week, the results of a large study with 600 samples are expected, which are more specific, with more specific data from the studies, so there are doubts that they are variants other than the classic one.

“Changes in various amino acids of the proteins of the spine protein, which is found on the surface of the virus, can make you unprotected if you are sick and immune, if you are immunized and the vaccine does not cover these changes., that is, we start from 0, which is terrible, but this is the worst case, “specified Associate Professor Kunchev.

According to him, the infection also comes from Zanzibar, but not on a large scale, as African countries are generally not the leading countries in terms of morbidity.

Within two months, there will be all kinds of vaccines at the immunization points, there will be quantities and a selection of vaccines, predicts the associate professor.

God forbid the stipulations are met, but in March 480,000 doses will arrive in Bulgaria, in April the new Johnson vaccine will be added. If the great army of general practitioners is properly involved, we will provide them with vaccinations and each doctor must do 10 vaccinations a day, or 40,000 doses a day. We can do up to 100,000 doses a day, as long as there are, ”said the state’s chief health inspector.
