Associate Professor Kunchev on the rise of COVID-19 in Bulgaria: the number of infected will increase – Diseases


About 20% of those infected with coronavirus need medical attention. 5% need hospitalization. This was stated in the morning block of Nova TV by the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev.

“For a long time we can withstand 500 new infections a day. We still have a large reserve, but this does not mean that there will not be areas without a critical moment. Such is, for example, Burgas,” said Professor Kunchev.

Another record in our country! 516 infected with coronavirus only for 24 hours

“All measures are on the table” – it is normal, all European countries are discussing and introducing a tightening. But as said, there will be no new extreme measures. Why should there be new measures, since the basic ones can be observed – do not pick up, wear masks indoors. No new measures are required, but compliance with the current ones is “categorical.

“Action is taken when things start to get worse. Restrictions for the elderly are being considered,” added associate professor Angel Kunchev.    Angel KunchevDr. Angel Kunchev was born in Simeonovgrad. He completed his secondary education at Vasil High School.

“After the 10th day, 99% of those infected are not dangerous. This happens when a person is infected but has no symptoms, studies show,” said the state’s chief health inspector.

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev: 50,000 people in our country are currently infected with coronavirus

Severe fatigue, fever, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste are the symptoms of COVID-19, recalled associate professor Angel Kunchev    Angel KunchevDr. Angel Kunchev was born in Simeonovgrad. He completed his secondary education at Vasil High School.

There is no email address yet. But if the GP decides by phone, they can call him to ask for a referral for a CRP test at a busy time or a family member can accept it, the chief state health inspector said.

There will be an increase in the number of infected people. Believe it or not, believe in the coronavirus: everyone be careful and wear a mask. And those who do not believe – to come to “Pirogov”, we give BGN 1,000 to a volunteer, Kunchev was categorical.

200 km from us (Montenegro) there are 13 times more infected than Bulgaria. If we compare, we may have 9,000 infected people a day, said the state’s chief health inspector.

Adjunct Professor Angel Kunchev    Angel KunchevDr. Angel Kunchev was born in Simeonovgrad. He completed his secondary education at Vasil High School He commented that new tests will show in 20 minutes if a person has a coronavirus or one of the types of flu. He added that ministers are tested for COVID-19 when there is a positive in the department.

The Bulgarian patients will be treated with Remdesivir and the corticosteroid dexamethasone, and we have 3,000 doses of the first drug.
