Associate Professor Kunchev: I’m scared by the level of spread of rumors and fake news


“I am scared by the level of dissemination of fake news, rumors and all kinds of conspiracy theories. In our society there is a solid ground for development, too many people do not have criteria to distinguish the true from the false,” said the head of ” Hello Bulgaria. ” State Health Inspector, Prof. Dr. Angel Kunchev, regarding rumors that schools will be closed at the end of October. According to him, there is no reason for the state to close schools.

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“The morbidity in our country is such that it is not necessary. In the Balkans, together with Serbia, we have the lowest morbidity. I did not check in Europe, but we were in 19th place, I think we went down even more because the second wave started in some countries, “he explained.

Kunchev also commented on rumors that prefabricated checkpoints are being prepared for reinstallation.

“I even heard that they have been unloaded in the port of Burgas and are waiting to be placed. It is not true. Which is the country that is going to want to bankrupt its economy, stop socio-economic life and pay unemployment, people who do not have money? and so on? I don’t see any sense in that, “said Associate Professor Kunchev.

According to him, the same measures cannot be taken for all schools, as they have different numbers of students. It will certainly work within the class first, if there are cases of infected students in more classes, then one may think of moving to school-wide online learning. Associate Professor Kunchev is convinced that if there is an increase in infected students, parents will detain their children. He also presented specific numbers for the thresholds at which schools should be closed.

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“Colleagues from the Institute of Infectious Diseases have prepared such a report, but it is quite complex and scientific, very difficult to apply in practice. Especially for schools, they have placed 10% of students infected. That percentage is determined only Israel and adhere to it. ” But getting into those limits avoid. It is not the same in a district city to have 100 infected, but 95 of them are in a nursing home. Why should we close this city? But if they are scattered throughout the city it is different. the situation is dynamic, “he added.

According to him, it is important how the virus spreads, centrally or dispersed. If the cases of infection are not centralized, this means that there is a diffuse spread and it is necessary to reinforce the measures. However, Associate Professor Kunchev is of the opinion that city closures will not happen.

“The threshold is different for each week, for a month. It is not the same incidence in November, December or February. We do not have statistics on the coronavirus to say that it will. If we live with it for 5-6 years, we will have one. Currently it is a matter of analysis, “he said.

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