Associate Professor Kunchev: I do not share the government’s optimism that we will deal with these measures | News from Bulgaria and the world


“I do not share 100% the optimism of some of the governments that with this rate of implementation of measures we will achieve good results.” This was stated by the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, during the information session of the Ministry of Health.

“There is an impression of total chaos in the system, but the hospitals are treating 3,200 people who receive full medical care like all over the world. It is easy, in this context, to find three who did not find help in time. Focusing on this 0 “The 1% creates the impression of chaos,” he said.

Associate Professor Kunchev presented the data on 14-day morbidity in the country, specifying that currently the situation in Europe is the worst, only 6 countries are outside the red zone.

388 per 100,000 is the morbidity of two weeks in our country, in recent days it has already reached 430 per 100,000, said adjunct professor Kunchev. The country is 17th out of 30 European countries Y 4th place on the Balkan Peninsula. The mortality rate is 5.2% per 100,000 people, with which we classify 10th place in the EU Y 4 something on the peninsula. The state health inspector noted that in the Czech Republic this percentage is 19.9%.

Diffuse spread is a fact in all areas. Only three of them are still in the orange zone: Vidin, Dobrich and Silistra.

Mortality is skyrocketing, after morbidity, said Associate Professor Kunchev.

The weekly number of tests is 900 per 100,000 people.For comparison, the EU average is about 2,000 per 100,000 tests, Kunchev said.

The number of positive tests is also increasing and is 30-35% of all tests.

What additional measures does the state health inspector propose?

– extension of the measures after November 12, at least until the end of the month, and possibly longer;

– limit the work of establishments that are not yet closed to 22-23 hours;

– limit presence in offices to a maximum of 50%;

– a broader base for distance learning in whole areas from fifth to eleventh grade;

– cessation of extracurricular activities outside of class;

– distance work for autonomous institutions of higher education, with the exception of exercises for medical students;

– restoration of green shopping aisles for people over 60 from 8 to 10 hours;

– contact medical staff without quarantine after a minimum of negative PCR on the third day of contact;

– Grant urgent powers to the Minister of Health to make ambulatory care specialists second to medical institutions.
