Associate Professor Angel Kunchev: The situation in London with COVID-19 is disgusting! We can’t afford that! – Diseases


What we have achieved with access to vaccines should not be lightly overlooked. At the moment, nobody in the Balkans is vaccinated like us. Well, someone can make 100 pieces, enough to say that something is being done. This was stated by the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, in front of the teachers from Boyadzhik village in Yambol. The meeting was ordered by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who learned that people are concerned about getting vaccinated. The Vice Minister of Education, Tanya Mihailova, also went to the village with Kunchev.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 18684

“The population of Bulgaria is 1.5% of the population of Europe. This is the number of vaccines we will receive. The expectation was that the AstraZeneca vaccine would be the first because it was the easiest to store. No one expected such a delay.” The Pfizer and Modern vaccines are more complex in terms of storage, “said Associate Professor Kunchev.

“I will tell you something very sincere, you are the ones who have to take care of your health. We think of diseases when we get sick. And we are a very sick nation. This is one of the reasons why we have a very high death rate.” hits soils with elderly population and chronic diseases, the virus is more violent, “he added.

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev will meet with professors in the Yambol region

Kunchev tried to explain simply how coronavirus vaccines work. It talks about mRNAs and their interaction with the body so that the immune system can be unblocked and immune immunity can be created.

Associate Professor Kunchev said he had been vaccinated. Her son, who is a doctor, also received the vaccine. His daughter, who has to go abroad, was not vaccinated because she does not enter the risk groups, but she had a wish.

“Vaccination is your decision, but don’t take it on the basis of nonsense about splinters or reproductive problems,” Professor Kunchev finally ordered.

He stressed that immunization has two effects: personal and public. He added that we need to vaccinate 70% of the population, only this will limit the massive disease.

“If you have acquaintances, ask them what’s going on in London. Disgusting! Trust us, what happened to us in October will seem like a fairy tale. That’s the truth. The idea is not to be afraid,” Kunchev said.

According to him, small communities feel a little more protected because they have not felt much of the invasion of the virus. Kunchev said that only 3% of the population is vaccinated against one group. And for the vaccine against cervical cancer in our country there are still reserves and many Bulgarian women are dying.

The rotavirus vaccine was the other example he gave of a voluntary vaccine. And he spoke positively about the effect of this vaccine.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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