Associate Professor Angel Kunchev: 3 days more than 100 infected people is a signal to return some of the measures – Diseases


If we reach 100 people within three days, the measures will tighten up again. This was confirmed by the Chief Inspector of State Health and a member of the National Operational Staff Association, Prof. Angel Kunchev in “The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov” on BNT.

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He said that the week of April 20-26 was with the highest values, but it is too early to draw general conclusions and it is in our hands what we will allow to happen. Progress is monitored very carefully and they react according to the epidemic situation.

One day there are risks of many random things: if we find an outbreak with many infected people or the number of tests suddenly increases, the number will increase immediately. In epidemiology, we prefer to work weekly, but for our operational purposes: 3 days more than 100 people is a sign that the trend has changed and a sign to return some of the measures, Professor Kunchev said.

He added that it depends on whether the increase is diffuse throughout the country, or if a specific outbreak is detected, that if measures are taken in time, it will be blocked and suppressed. Much also depends on who is sick, where, if they are at risk, if they are in their place, which allows taking strict measures.

The whole of Bulgaria is already on fire due to COVID-19. He is also ill in Targovishte.

According to Kunchev, the change in legislation does not change the way of action even now, because in the end the evaluation of the epidemiological situation is carried out in the Ministry of Health and until now the measures have been ordered by order of the Minister. “So the most constitutionally correct solution is being sought here.”

We avoid the term state of emergency: it is intended for catastrophes, martial law, epidemics are not excluded. We encounter influenza epidemics every year, unfortunately we have epidemic situations with other diseases in Bulgaria: with hepatitis A, AIDS, measles, added the health inspector.

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He said that 3 hospitals have difficulties, but this does not apply to the entire country. The first was the Vidin hospital, although it is approximately 10% of the staff. Currently in Sliven and Yamobol the situations are not so difficult. According to him, the easiest way to solve things is at the local level, with the reorganization within hospitals and with the help of other medical institutions. He gave the example of private hospitals in Plovdiv, which are currently heavily involved in the fight.

We have to compare the countries per million inhabitants, so there is already a reorganization and then you will see that, in this respect, Bulgaria is in last place, that is, first in Europe in terms of success. Because we have the fewest cases overall and the fewest deaths, Kunchev said.

New COVID-19 peak in Bulgaria

Most in terms of morbidity, separate centers have been formed in Vidin, in Smolyan, in Burgas, in Pazardzhik, in Peshtera.

Associate Professor Kunchev added that there are currently 4 effective infection mechanisms or sources of infection search.

These are hospitals, then there are people who come from ski resorts in Western Europe, the situation was similar in Bansko, then we export the virus mainly to Israel and northern Macedonia, the third address is people returning from abroad, he explained .

According to him, disinfection is important, but in an infection of this type, which is transmitted by the air, he would not like to put too much emphasis on measures such as mass washing of the streets with detergents, since it will not affect much. Because the virus is transmitted from person to person through contact.

He insisted that if people follow everything, if they move in pairs, if they wear masks, no matter where they are, whether they are in Sofia or elsewhere, nothing changes as a risk. It is important to rely much more on personal behavior on a daily basis and everywhere.

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