Associate Prof. Mangarov and colleagues: Immediately revoke the order to wear masks for children from 5th to 12th grade – Diseases


We, Bulgarian doctors, who have expressed our sympathy for the state of the medical situation in the country, and are also committed through our founding statement for the establishment of the alliance of Bulgarian doctors, declare that we do not accept medical justifications ( directions) to introduce mandatory masks in Bulgarian schools. .

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 15343

This is written in a statement of the Alliance of Bulgarian Doctors to return to normal life on the occasion of the order of the Minister of Education for the mandatory wearing of masks in schools for children from 5th to 12th grade. We publish your opinion without editorial intervention:

It is well known that mouth and nose masks protect the patient in an environment where there are open wounds and a surgical field, so that the doctor does not injure them. This has always been the case (this is one of its main applications in a clinical setting). Children are particularly sensitive to the limitations and side effects caused by masks, regardless of the mask material.

Official: 5th-12th grade students wearing masks by the hour.

Masks, in addition to not particularly protecting against viral diseases, cause:

1. Decreased oxygen saturation of the blood and increased Carbon Dioxide in the blood of children, which leads to gradual and permanent damage to the brain of our children, with the manifestation of headaches, lack of concentration per hour and as a final result, lack of learning. .

2. Permanent mental damage is inflicted on children, mainly through stress on the little ones, with the unfamiliar environment that masks impose on their faces. It is difficult to explain to a child who generally accepts reality directly why they should be used when they cause so much discomfort and bad feelings!

3. Facial masks, according to several of our specialists, have caused the appearance of an inflammation of the skin of the face: dermatitis. They provoked the manifestation of many allergic and allergy-related clinical manifestations of shortness of breath, cough, and spasms of the respiratory tract. These conditions, skin inflammations and their consequences will need to be treated and long-term care for these children! Why? Once it could be avoided and still can be avoided. We should not ignore the fact that the observance of hygiene and the periodicity of changing masks by children is almost impossible.

The summary for us as medical specialists is:

The Minister of Education’s order is hasty, medically untenable and should be suspended. Children should not wear masks to school due to the consequences we have already listed. Teachers must take their own risk, as we physicians have already done, in the name of the proper application of pedagogical science, just as we work on behalf of people armed with their knowledge of medical science. No one can forbid them to protect themselves and take care of themselves, they even have to be encouraged. We can say much more. We stop here. Let the Bulgarian teachers understand that we are all in this crisis together and that it is not as serious as they are trying to present us.

The head of “Pirogov” revealed: Assoc. Prof. Mangarov changed his behavior and speaks

It is imperative to stop blaming children for being potential carriers of the infection, for which there is no scientific evidence. Let’s return children to schools without mandatory masks in class to normalize the learning process and optimize the mental and physical well-being of our country’s most important resource!

PS: Do not forget that in universities it is even worse, there it is decided according to the rector and the fear of the members of the Academic Council!

The Declaration of the Alliance of Bulgarian Doctors signed until 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Georgi Todorov

Adjunct Professor Dr. Atanas Mangarov

Dr. Galya Tsoneva

Dr. Parvanova

Dr. Rumyana Todorova

Prof. Ivan Chalakov

Dr. Fialkovska

Dr. Nikolov

Dr. I. Vatev

Dr. Damyanov

Dr. Todorov

Dr. Kovachev “.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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