Another 30,000 vials of Remdesivir will be delivered to Bulgaria at the end of March – Medicines


We expect to receive 6,000 vials of Remdesivir each month through March. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Boyko Penkov, to journalists during the distribution of the drug to regional health inspections.

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,, 2593 vials of the drug Veklury (remdesivir) for the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection in moderate and severe condition were delivered today in Bulgaria. Tonight, all regional health inspections will receive quantities of the drug, whose commitment is to supply medical establishments with the estimated quantities within tomorrow. The drug will cover the treatment of 260 patients hospitalized in intensive care units, ”he explained.

This is the first delivery under contracts between the Ministry of Health and the marketing authorization holder, Gilead Scinces. We remind you that the Council of Ministers allocated 2.1 million BGN for the purchase of the vials delivered today. The total funds that our country will allocate to ensure the treatment of patients indicated for treatment with Remdisivir at the end of March amounts to more than 26 million BGN. cam. By the end of March 2021, another 30,000 vials of the drug will be gradually delivered to Bulgaria.

We received almost 2,600 vials of the drug remdesivir

The medicine arrived this afternoon, we immediately set up the Remdesivir organization to get all the hospitals that have requested it. We start with the distribution of the regional health inspections in the city of Sofia, the Sofia region, Blagoevgrad, Pernik and Kyustendil, and at the end of the day to the other 23 RHIs. The Sofia Health Inspectorate here at the scene allocates the amounts requested by the Military Medical Academy, “Alexandrovka” and “Pirogov” to ensure timely treatment of their patients, said Dr. Penkov.

“The expert council of anesthesiology and intensive care has prepared a protocol for the use of the drug, on the basis of which colleagues evaluate and decide whether to prescribe the drug therapy. The protocol is available to all medical institutions in the country” explained the deputy minister.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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