Anna, Peter Kellner’s daughter: My father is a billionaire, but I can ride a horse!


Peter Kellner’s eldest daughter, Anna, gave this interview to “24 hours” in December 2018. In it she explains what it is like to be the daughter of a billionaire, so we republish it:

– Anna, you jumped in the final of the Global Champions Tour on your land, in front of your audience, you passed a parkour with a height of 150 cm without making a mistake, you qualified fifth out of 13 runners and that’s how you left the field of prizes. Are you happy with the result?

– I am satisfied, I am happy, I am grateful for the opportunity to jump in front of a native audience in the grand finale, receive this gigantic support and achieve my goal: to go clean, to show what we are capable of. with my horse.

– Isn’t it too much mental effort to jump, loaded with the expectation of more than 10,000 Czech spectators and more than 5,000 from abroad?

– On the one hand it is like that, but on the other hand, when we went out to the arena and the whole room shook in applause, I accepted this sound as additional inspiration, as personal support from each spectator. I knew that each of them would individually hug me and say, “I’m with you Anna, you can!” And I believed them. My goal was to be clean, to show excellent driving.

– When you started, the silence in the room was serious and only in the triple combination was the collective breath of the entire audience heard.

– I didn’t hear that, I was too focused. But I also appreciated this silence, charged only with energy, strong and good. I love my audience and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

– You don’t have the typical riding history: first a pony as a gift at age four, a first race at 6, a first win at 8, and then life is simply riding. How did you become professional in riding?

– I think that when I saw a live horse for the first time, I was traveling by car with my family and I went through a farm where

the horse was running away

fence and mane

he was fluttering

And I wanted to be on my back and have that mane fluttering on my face. I almost felt it. I immediately said that I wanted my horse. But probably all children want a horse. We didn’t even stop to get a close look at the horses. However, I remembered that horse and kept insisting that we meet the horses.

In the following years, when we traveled somewhere and saw a stable, I begged him to stop us, we knocked on the door and wanted to help with the care of the animals; I just packed buckets, brushes, food mixes and ran after the owners. .

I started riding at 11 at a pony club because it became clear that no one would erase my dream of being around horses. At 15 I participated in my first international competition.

– You are the oldest of four brothers. Didn’t anyone else take the same path?

– No one in my family has ever been close to horses, so my passion remained only mine.

– The question is, to what extent does being a billionaire help dad?

‘Dad can’t jump on a horse; Not one euro, not one million euros can help my horse jump better, not a billion can keep me in the saddle if I fall. I can proudly say that my riding ability is the result of my effort, training and perseverance. I receive all the support from my family and that support increases my faith in myself.

– And yet the best trainers, the best horses, the best conditions are not a problem, when money is not a problem.

– We are in the world ranking

several riders,

who are we with



or they see us as “children of the father.” However, traveling is not like traveling on a yacht, flying to go shopping on a private plane. Riding and relationships with the horse are a matter of huge, constant, exhausting and daily work. The horse does not care at least who my father is, but it strongly expresses its opinion on the quality of my riding.

I am currently training in the Czech Republic, not in another country, nor in any of the more famous schools that have established themselves in the production of champions. I have the responsibility to establish the Czech Republic as a country for horse riding. The activity of the public shows that the Czechs are enthusiastic about equestrian sports. The Czechs themselves are aware that we have a long way to go to climb the world rankings. So far I’m 42nd, but in 2017 I was 60th in the rankings. 18 spots ahead is not a bad result for a year!

– Of a total of 17 competitions in the Global Champions Tour chain, he participated in 9 and his best classification is in Prague. Why did you miss so many outings?

– This is an evaluation of the coaching staff, an evaluation of my readiness to compete. Participation in tournaments is not an end in itself, it should always be


the best that

we can with my horse

In addition, in each of these tournaments I jumped in all the exits and in heights of 145 to 160 cm, a total of 63 times.

– When you successfully passed the 150cm parkour and the audience cheered, galloped and pointed at Silverstone, who flew over all obstacles flawlessly. However, from the side, it seems nervous and difficult to hold a horse.

– Oh no! It is extremely sweet and noble. However, when we are in a race,

my horse is excited

even more than me

he knows why we are in the arena, he knows the sound of the audience and he wants to show his best. He is an excellent partner, responsible, diligent, focused. I’ve only been with him for a year, but we get along really well.

– The best 16 riders in the world, who passed a 160 cm parkour, took the grand prize of the Super Grand Pri on the Global Champions Tour. Are you technically ready for such a test?

– I jumped 160 cm in Rome, London, Paris, Monaco, Estoril, Cannes, Saint Tropez, Hamburg, Madrid, Shanghai, Miami Beach, Mexico City. According to the tournament formula, I was not able to participate in the grand final, which is linked to my performance in other tournaments. But you have seen for yourself that the best in the world have experienced unexpected problems; The horses, being routine, prepared, experienced, suddenly proved incapable of overcoming one obstacle or another and betrayed their riders.

The ability to jump and tackle the tests during the race itself are different things. In equestrian sports, miracles don’t happen, that’s why I keep competing while I deserve to compete with the world ranking leaders.

– Are you expecting a quota for the Olympics?

– Without a doubt, I am preparing for a series of competitions that will allow me to reach that quota. Each tournament series is on a separate account and even when I perform well in some competitions, this does not mean that I am guaranteed success in the next ones. Yes, a quota for the Olympics is my big goal right now.

– You’re only 22 years old. Will equestrian sport be your destiny?

– For now, this is my whole life, and I will still gain experience, I will progress. I have many challenges ahead of me, I want to be one of the successful faces of Czech equestrian sport, I want to show new growth at the next tournament in Prague. I am ready to fight and jump millions of times!
