Angelov: We are entering a serious phase of the epidemic: issues in development


IN I am outraged by the failure to comply with the measures. Our country is entering a serious phase of the epidemic. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, during a briefing by the health authorities on the distribution of COVID-19.

“Wearing a mask indoors is a life-saving measure and reduces the number of patients who need to be admitted to hospitals. The next measure is social and physical distance. Avoid gatherings, crowds in public places and limit travel , if they are not absolutely necessary ”, said the Minister.

“Since the beginning of the epidemic we said that the percentage of positive cases will increase in the fall. In this situation, the most important measure is to show common sense and think about our loved ones, whom we can protect,” he urged.

Our Minister of Health also pointed out that our country has sufficient amounts of personal protective equipment.

Another 1,700 vials of Remdesivir arrive today, part of the agreed delivery to Bulgaria for November. More than 4,300 vials are expected next week.

When using a drug, the doctor always weighs the benefits and risks of the drug. There are other drugs in the treatment regimens besides Remdesivir. to them, “said Minister Angelov.

“All hospitals since the beginning of the pandemic have been working on protocols that are available around the world and have proven their effectiveness to date,” he added.

Kostadin Angelov expressed the hope that the European Commission will successfully complete the negotiation of vaccines against COVID-19 and in April they will be in our country, available to citizens who wish to obtain them.

The situation with medical institutions.

“The pressure on the hospitals in Sofia is very great,” said Pirogov director Professor Asen Baltov. “Pirogov is one of the medical institutions that has already implemented and manufactured 200 beds for moderate patients and increased the number of beds for intensive care patients who need resuscitation,” he added.

“I want to thank all the citizens who follow the measures and who really understood what it is like to have this great pressure on hospitals and on us and help us in this way,” said Baltov.

It reminded us again at the first symptoms of discomfort, such as a slight rise in temperature, muscle weakness, similar to muscle fever, to stay at home.

“Do not go to work. Stay home for at least a day or two. If the illness worsens, see your personal doctor, and if you don’t have one, you can go to RHI specialists,” Baltov said.

According to him, there should be a differentiation in the treatment of infected patients.

“Currently, the pressure on triage hospitals that GPs can do is enormous. If the GP takes responsibility and takes care of patients who are not in serious condition, literally from day one until they need treatment in a hospital, this will make it much easier for us, ”said the Pirogov director.
