Angelov: vaccinated people are also carriers of the coronavirus


“What we are seeing now, and we have always said, is that vaccinated people can also carry the virus. Such is the case of the Opanets nursing home in Silistra. Of 40 users, 31 are positive patients. Of these , 14 were vaccinated with a second Pfizer needle. All these 14 people are in very good condition and have mild symptoms, “Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said at an emergency briefing in Burgas.

“We have a woman in labor with an emergency coronavirus in Burgas. She was treated for 10 days at home before being admitted to the hospital. We are concerned about the outcome of her treatment. We are also creating a specialized unit, a council from the Minister of Health, who will solve the problems of mothers who test positive for coronavirus. This is something new for us, “Angelov said.

The children of the woman in question were born by caesarean section and are currently doing well. Two other children of two mothers who also have coronavirus, but in a milder condition, are also doing well.

“Burgas will cope. We are increasing the beds for coronavirus patients by 10 compared to the previous wave,” said the Health Minister.

“We are seeing a rejuvenation of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Everything Burgas has is done. Additional amounts of remdesivir will be shipped and additional vaccines will be directed. At the moment we are not concerned with Burgas’ needs.” Angelov added.

The Minister of Health announced that he was ready to reassign doctors to the district. According to him, the city’s Emergency Service handles and attends the addresses sent.

“12,097 are the beds for patients without complications with coronavirus in the country. 74 are employed nationwide. Separately, we have 1063 for intensive care, 63% of them are employed. We have issued an order that all pressure bumps, all state-available breathing apparatus and all devices that were purchased during preparation in the summer be placed next to the beds, “Angelov said.

As for reports that Burgas hospitals are unable to open new beds due to lack of oxygen, “this will be compensated by the district hospital and private hospitals,” the health minister said.

“No patient in need of hospital treatment or resuscitation will be returned. We have no worries, the system will last,” Minister Angelov is categorical.

According to him, “it is a fact that doctors who are vaccinated during the first phase survive. We have far fewer positive doctors. “

The Health Minister also commented on the new and stricter measures against the coronavirus in Burgas. It is necessary to restrict the movement of minors after 20:00 because “in recent days there has been a tendency to gather children in larger groups and this may be one of the ways the virus spreads.”

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