Angel Kunchev responded to Atanas Mangarov’s accusations against the headquarters


Angel Kunchev responded to Atanas Mangarov's accusations against the headquarters

Photo: BGNES

“The Association. Prof. Mangarov makes serious accusations against us. He is entitled to his opinion. In my opinion, everything that happens in the world refutes it on a daily basis.This was stated to Nova TV by the chief health inspector and member of the national operational headquarters for combating the coronavirus, associate professor Dr. Angel Kunchev.

“But It is one thing to defend your thesis, another is to make decisions that are extremely difficult“he pointed.

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Associate Professor Kunchev insists that first you have to think about the health of the nation. Therefore, important decisions should not be made solely on the basis of “self-reasoning”.
He recalled that the spread of the disease in our country is normal and, fortunately, we are he avoided the stage in Italy and the United States.
Kunchev commented that people have shown discipline. He praised citizens that, in addition to strictly following the orders of the headquarters, but also more than that, such as categorically excluding the possibility of meeting with people or their older relatives.

Associate Professor Kunchev considers it normal for our compatriots to return from abroad. He stressed that the Bulgarians know that outside Bulgaria they will not receive the necessary care or that in the current situation they can remain on the streets.

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However, the specialist does not accept the way in which they lie that they are infected or that they do not properly notify the Bulgarian authorities, to be able to help both the sick and their loved ones.
Associate Professor Kunchev inspired optimism that the rest of the Bulgarians will not be a mirage. Explain what subject to all measures, summer can go to sea.

Angel Kunchev coronavirus Atanas Mangarov COVID 19 Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov

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