Angel Kunchev recommends sun and sports, but at a distance


The number of 100 new cases followed in three days it is perceived as a signal when some of the measures will return. That’s what he said Chief Inspector of Health of the Associated State Prof. Angel Kunchev in the BNT study. However, Kunchev explained that it is also important if the increase it will be diffuse throughout the country or a specific outbreak will be detected.

“If the incidence starts to increase across the country, it will require much more serious measures,” said the chief health inspector.

I know people are fed up, but the only mechanism is social distance, Kunchev said, noting that although he is optimistic: summer, light and dryness should limit the virus, attention and distance must remain.

I recommend light activities of all kinds for a good physical shape, but with distance and masks, without company and crowding.

The highest incidence rates were recorded during the week. April 20-26, but it is too early to draw general conclusions. The epidemic is not over, and the relaxation of some of the measures does not mean that the situation is over, as some have perceived, Angel Kunchev emphasized.

The trend continues import the infection, as in almost all flights from abroad cases of infected. This is also the risk for Roma neighborhoods: high population density, low hygiene habits and tradition, some when they return from abroad, to celebrate and meet. According to Kunchev, we cannot refuse to allow our compatriots to return, especially since many of them work illegally abroad, without health insurance, but the health inspector urged them not to hide from the health authorities.

At the moment they have difficulties three hospitals in the country: Vidin, Sliven and Yambol. According to Kunchev, the easiest way to solve problems local level and with reorganization within the hospitals themselvessince it is very difficult to bring specialists from other fields. And anesthesiologists and infectious disease specialists cannot receive training for a month, two, or even years. As a good example of interaction and assistance of private hospitals Angel Kunchev gave Plovdiv. However, this not observed in all three areas of difficulty.

“When we compare countries by the criterion of a million inhabitants, Bulgaria is in last place, that is. We are first in terms of the success of the measures. We have the fewest cases and the fewest deaths per million population, “Kunchev explained, arguing his answer about who liked the coronavirus control model best:” The one that works. “

Angel Kunchev also answered a question about this. The common thesis that BCG vaccine protects. The health inspector explained that it was too early to draw conclusions, and that it was difficult because countries do not maintain the same methodology for collecting statistics. The results with infection in Russia refutes BCG protection thesis, since Russia is among the countries where this vaccine has been made constantly over the years.

“The change in legislation doesn’t radically change the way it works nowBecause the evaluation of the epidemiological situation is carried out in the Ministry of Health and until now the measures have been ordered by order of the Minister. Here we are looking for the most accurate solution from a constitutional point of view. The state of emergency generally refers to other types of problems such as martial law and catastrophes. We encounter flu epidemics every year. We react according to the situation, “he said.
