Angel Kunchev: If it happens like in Vidin throughout Bulgaria, it would be a tragedy


“There will be self-limitation of coronavirus infection sooner or later. No one can say when it will occur.” This was said to Diana Naydenova on the “Wake Up” program on Nova TV by the state’s chief health inspector, Professor Angel Kunchev.

According to him, self-control at any given time is typical of this type of infection. And compensating for personal irresponsibility by taking measures for the whole of society, according to him, is not right.

“Anyone who does not follow the rules and recommendations should be punished,” said Associate Professor Kunchev.

“I do not like the fact that many people perceive the easing of measures as the end of the situation. It is definitely not the end. In Bulgaria we are privileged to see the different images. If what happened in Vidin happens in the country It would be a tragedy. ” It will be the Italian version, nor the New York version, but it will be very difficult, “added Kunchev.

He admitted that the situation in Vidin could be repeated in other regions of the country, strict measures and restrictions could be imposed.

“Eventually we will limit the infection, but it will be slower and with more victims,” ​​said the state’s chief health inspector.

Yesterday, the military began disinfecting the Vidin regional hospital after local authorities asked the army for help due to the inability to cope with the critical situation. The hospital is the largest coronavirus outbreak in the area. There are now 43 infected doctors. This is 12% of hospital staff. Most of the virus carriers are in the neurology department: 50%. And according to the district governor, the outbreaks at the nursing homes in Oreshets and Kula, as well as at the Center for Children with Mental Disabilities, started from the hospital.

“What we do affects the number of patients after 1 week. If we allow 20-30-50 people to meet in restaurants, this will inevitably lead to the outbreak of new outbreaks and the imposition of new restrictions,” Angel Kunchev warned, after yesterday cafes, pizzerias and bars in “Vitoshka” in Sofia was crowded.
