Ananiev: The salary of nurses in our country will be 900 BGN.


For the first time, the health budget will be BGN 6.5 billion.

The sector is a priority in the 2021 budget, said the Minister of Finance

One of the government’s priorities for next year is health care. For the first time, it will have 6.5 billion resources, which is an increase of around BGN 780 million compared to this year. However, this will not invest money in the system, but there are specific goals and priorities that we pursue. Within these funds are the increase in the salaries of the people in the first line, all the safeguards, for NAT technology, for the national health information system, for 112, the money is provided for the construction of the children’s hospital and for a host of other activities.

This was announced by Finance Minister Kiril Ananiev in front of Nova TV.

“If the budget is pre-electoral, we would not continue with the reforms we have set for ourselves. We are making fiscal balances so that after the pandemic we return to the target deficit levels that we have pursued in previous years,” he added.

As for the budget critics, he said critics didn’t have time to read the updates.

“The budget was made in an unprecedented situation in which all countries accumulated all available resources in the fight against the epidemic. In a period when revenues are declining and additional spending is required, it is normal for fiscal policy to relax, “Ananiev said.

He explained that the state has set aside more than BGN 3 billion to fight the pandemic next year, which is more than 2.5% of GDP.

“If you subtract that 2.5% from the deficit from 3.9% next year, you will see that the real deficit that we would have had without the coronavirus would have been 1.4%, while in other countries it is around 17%.” Ananiev also commented.

He added that he did not agree to be granted a “child allowance” for each child, regardless of the parents’ income. “These 390 million BGN can be used for other purposes, but that was the government’s decision,” Ananiev added.

In addition to the budget, as a former Minister of Health, Ananiev also commented on the current medical situation in our country.

“With the declaration of the state of emergency in March, I issued an order designating 180 hospitals to treat and monitor those infected with COVID-19. The base of the bed cannot disappear. It is just an organization. I also issued a second order that required the directors of the local RHIs to establish an organization: hospitals, beds and medical personnel according to regional needs, “he said.

“Each director of a medical institution is responsible for the policy of the hospital. Every step that does not correspond to the situation must be reprehensible,” Ananiev added.

Regarding the shortage of personnel in our country in the health field, Ananiev said that at the beginning of his mandate as Minister of Health he spoke with the Minister of Education about increasing the admission of medical students by 1,000 people a year, and according to he this measure. it will be reflected in the coming years.

According to him, the ministry has held talks with the Bulgarian Medical Association, fixing salaries of BGN 900-950 for nurses and BGN 1,150 for doctors.

“Salaries are relatively low in Bulgaria and much lower than in Western Europe. It is our policy that the financing mechanism does not allow this to happen with a central decision of the government, this can only happen with a decision of the hospitals”, Ananiev said.
