An entire city in China is under quarantine due to two cases of COVID-19 – Topics in development


IN Authorities in China have quarantined the city of Manjuli / Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northeast China, located on the border with the Transbaikal Territory of Russia / due to two cases of pneumonia caused by a coronavirus found there, reported the China Central Television, quoted by TASS.

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The city has banned public gatherings and events, and entertainment venues, schools and kindergartens have been temporarily closed.

City officials have announced preparations for mass testing of all residents.

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The population of the city is about 172 thousand people.

The operational headquarters also announced a temporary suspension of passenger rail connections with the city.

The WHO has recommended that remdesivir not be used for covid -19.

The Chinese city of Manjuli is a major logistics hub on the Russian-Chinese border. There is a border crossing for goods and passengers Zabaykalsk – Manchuria.

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During the last day, Chinese authorities identified 17 new cases of coronavirus infection. Three of them are domestic / two are registered in Manchuli and one in Shanghai /, and 14 are among the passengers arriving from abroad.

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