Ambulances double in Sofia, PCR labs revised (VIDEO)


Ambulances in Sofia are doubling. So far, emergency teams have been on duty with 25 cars. Sofia: a city temporarily received 4 buses and 6 lightly equipped ambulances from the Ministry of the Interior. By the end of the week, the Emergency Service is expected to receive another 17 new ambulances. Thus, the total number of cars in the capital will be 52. Most of them will travel with teams of paramedics and paramedics, and the ten cars of the Ministry of the Interior will be able to drive only light and medium suitcases.

However, according to Minister Kostadin Angelov, the main reason for the problem is that some of the hospitals did not follow their order and did not disclose the beds needed for COVID patients. That is why the inspections are beginning.

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Inspections in laboratories for PCR tests are also starting. The reason is a delay in results. “We found examples of loading of results in one or two or three days. The increase in the number of cases on Tuesday, tomorrow, is largely due to poor laboratory results,” said the minister.

“There are many explanations, there are many reasons, everyone is extremely tense and tired, but more people can be named. The state pays a lot of money, it has a resource. There are paradoxes with taking a test today, publishing its result in 2-3 days, and when the doctor has to issue a sick leave, it turns out that the person is healthy, but is about to be quarantined, Minister Angelov explained. .

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“As of today, I have ordered inspections in public and private laboratories. The full force of the law will be applied,” Angelov threatened.

“We saw that there were difficulties in patient care in Sofia, so we decided, together with Minister Terziiski, to provide additional cars to the Emergency Medical Care system and especially in Sofia. We currently have 25 cars, starting today the teams will be increased by another 10 ”, he added.

“In the territory of Bulgaria there are about 40,000 intensive beds for the active treatment of patients with all diseases. In Sofia we have 12,000 beds for active treatment. 10% of them are 1,200 beds. Currently 700 beds have been opened for treatment active. We still have free capacity available, which medical institutions have not disclosed. This is the main problem that we have focused on, “said Angelov.

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“The minister has issued an order. Two weeks ago I made a statement with the directors of the hospitals in the capital. A large part of them have not yet made efforts to provide the necessary beds to open the territory of their medical institutions”, said the Minister of Health.

“Currently, there is no need to open field hospitals.” When there is more than 40 percent bed occupancy in the system, alternative ways will be considered, “he said.

“There is no problem with patient accommodation in Sofia: 100 new beds have been opened, we have a problem with home care because we do not have enough ambulances until 10 am ordered,” said Dr. Georgi Gelev, director of Sofia emergencies.

He specified that not only the personal doctor is responsible for the hospitalization, but also the ambulance teams that go to the place. They do rapid antigen tests and decide whether to hospitalize you.

“Most of the cases are for home treatment. For example, we had 66 calls, but only 18 of them were for hospitalization, that is. In other cases, it was not necessary to call an ambulance,” said Dr. Gelev. . The problem is in the mild cases in the homes, the delay of our teams to come, but this will be solved with the arrival of 10 ambulances with teams.


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