Amazing in pop folk! Preslava’s sister stabbed her in the ground …


Preslava’s sister met her eyes with her natural vision. Ivelina Koleva, who is a popular singer, has no corrections on her face like her famous relative. He published photos on social networks that caused his admiration among his fans.

Fans of the popular star cocoa immediately compared it to Preslava. And they cannot compare it, since Ivelina has a completely natural vision unlike her younger sister.

In the photos she posts on the social network, the girl of good character does not flaunt her feminine charms. There is no mention of those cupcakes, which are inherent in folk pop singers, including Preslava, broadcast from

With her completely natural look and light makeup, Ivelina Koleva receives the admiration of her admirers, who consider her much more beautiful than her sister. Strawberry appears to lose her identity after undergoing nose surgery a while ago.

At that time, the weight lifter had to endure a massive hit on social media. Her followers compared her to anyone because her face became completely different and had nothing to do with the original.

They believe that there is nothing more beautiful than looking natural and bright with the beauty that nature has given you.
