Am I the only one who feels that we are living a stupid joke?


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Slavi Trifonov, Facebook:

Am I the only one who feels like we’re living a stupid joke?

Yesterday Boyko Borissov flew in a helicopter and bragged to some Saudis about “Balkan Stream”, which is “Turkish Stream” and “it’s pretty, but it’s not ready.” I repeat, it is not ready. I don’t know exactly what the Prime Minister is boasting about, but this “Balkan Stream”, which in Bulgaria should be 485 kilometers long, would be ready by June 13 at the latest. Because 5 kilometers are built daily. This is how Borisov himself lied at the beginning of the year. And I told you I was lying. Even then, I thought that if it was done 5 kilometers a day, by June 13 Bulgaria would have a pipeline not 485 kilometers, but 1200 kilometers.

And I suspected it was obviously building in a zigzag. With a construction of 5 kilometers per day, today Bulgaria must have built a gas pipeline with a length of 1710 kilometers. If you need 485 kilometers. It turns out that the great builder Boyko Borissov must have built not only the Bulgarian part, but also the gas pipeline in Serbia and Hungary, reach the end of the gas pipeline, the center in the city of Baumgarten in Austria, and boldly build the pipeline forward. to Angela Merkel’s house in Germany. Discovery needs to film this.

Today Borissov’s new stupid joke is that the president’s drone he was filming in his room was not actually a drone, but a “beautiful lady.”

On Bulgaria’s Independence Day, the Attorney General came out with a congratulatory speech on Twitter, announcing that on September 22, 1908, Bulgaria became “the first nation-state of the EU.” The European Union was founded 85 years after the independence of Bulgaria, so I wonder what story exactly the Attorney General has read. Ivan Geshev must have read a story like this: “Tsar Ferdinand signed a manifesto for Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union, but not immediately, but after 100 years.”

The current judge of the Constitutional Court, Filip Dimitrov, threw himself like a sailor into the embrasure to defend the government of Boyko Borissov, which drew up the most illiterate draft of a new Constitution. Apparently, in this court, Filip Dimitrov is also a “brother” of Boyko Borissov.

On Bulgaria’s Independence Day and the Third Great People’s Uprising, the Ministry of the Interior seized saline solution for wounds and watercolors from the tents of mothers of children with disabilities. And so the Interior Ministry protected national security.

The head of our military intelligence shined with completely naked photos on the Internet. Therefore, national security was again guaranteed: foreign intelligence will die of laughter with our Bulgarian Stirlitz.

Again on Bulgarian Independence Day, under loud shouts: “Resignation” Tsveta Karayancheva gave a pathetic 6-minute “Tsarevets” speech. And all this time she was smiling widely, as if hearing loud cries: “You are an intelligent lady from Kardzhali.”

Today it became clear that the Minister of Health allowed the deputies in the hall not to wear masks, because the National Assembly was not a public building at the service of citizens. Yes, parliamentarians do not serve citizens, but only themselves.

In fact, the dumbest joke is that after 77 days of protests, these people still have the audacity not to resign.
