Although he did not accept the actions, the prime minister became Levski’s owner and must decide what to do.


Although he did not accept the actions, the Prime Minister became the owner of

Whether we like it or not, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov currently owns a majority stake in Levski and cannot ignore this fact. On Wednesday morning, he refused to accept the actions backed by gaming boss Vasil Bozhkov, but they remain the property of the prime minister. You can back them up to Bozhkov or whoever you choose, the lawyers explained to Mediapool.

In an unusual show that took place on Wednesday morning, Borisov refused to receive the majority stake in Levski’s actions, which he was handed over by journalist Sasho Dikov after agreeing to be Bozhkov’s messenger.

The Dubai-based gaming chief, who has been accused of various crimes here, claims that he personally handed over control of Levski to the prime minister because he “He has repeatedly stated his willingness to” take care “of the club and keep it in case of a change of ownership.”.

Krasen Kralev: “The Prime Minister cannot be the owner …”

The television presenter assumed the role of a courier with the share package in his hands. Eurocom Sasho Dikov, announcing that he is the physical transferor of the securities he received from the team’s owners. Dikov had to wait more than half an hour in front of the Council of Ministers. At 9.35 in the morning, Sports Minister Krasen Kralev and Prime Minister Sevdelina Arnaudova’s RP came out to speak on behalf of Borissov.

“This is a frivolous attitude towards the future of the club. The fate of” Levski “should be in the hands of the fans.”Kralev said and added: “The Prime Minister of Bulgaria cannot own the shares of any team”. He emphasized that the transfer of assets requires the will of the Prime Minister.

The attorneys later explained that this was not necessary. In this case, the shares cast a deciding vote on Boyko Borissov before the “Levski” General Assembly.

The Sports Minister commented that Vasil Bozhkov was trying to politicize the processes in “Levski” and create tension among the supporters.

This is extremely offensive to Levski fans.Kralev said. According to him, fans have shown that they are “An enormous force and will not allow the destruction of the team”. The minister noted that there have always been companies that are ready to help the club.

Sasho Dikov asked what to do with the actions, since Borisov did not want to accept them.

“If you wish, you can take these documents elsewhere. You can take them to another capital in the Balkans.”Arnaudova replied. He was referring to Belgrade, where Tsvetan Vassilev lives, wanted by the Bulgarian judiciary.

After the Prime Minister has already ordered …

“The club is again in an extremely difficult financial situation, caused by the deliberate and illegal destruction of the companies that provide its maintenance.”, he says in a message to the media of Vasil Bozhkov and his partner Georgi Popov, who are in Dubai. Therefore, the two announced that they were going to hand over the shares to Borissov.

Once the Prime Minister is fully aware of the current situation and has repeatedly publicly disposed of ownership of the shares, we leave the club’s future in his hands. Mr. Borissov, your commitments to provide funds and your actions, which led to the current situation, as well as constant pressure from the state apparatus led by you in the club, leave “Levski” with no other real options.Bozhkov and Popov say.

They say that all they are interested in is the rebirth and stabilization of “Levski”.

“While the responsibility for this was ours and after investing more than BGN 24 million in one year, the club stabilized and recovered. Debts of more than BGN 32 million were gradually paid off and a long-term strategy was prepared and implemented. deadline for your transformation into a successful business. ” model “.

They thank the fans of the club, who have set a precedent in the history of world football with their actions to support the team in recent months.

Problems with financing “Levski” began in mid-January with the action against Vasil Bozhkov and his closest partners. For a few weeks, the state monopolized the instant lottery business, then revoked the businessman’s bookmaker license.

The prosecutor’s office has filed more than 10 charges against him, which insists that Bozhkov paid no more than BGN 500 million in fees for the income from his gambling business. He denies this and claims that the law created two regimes to calculate rates and chose one of them.

After a hiatus, Bozhkov gave an interview to bTV last week and announced that the country is governed by “meeting”, Boyko Borissov is the link between past and current whispers, but the difference in the situation is Delyan Peevski, who “sitting in the shade like a spider and pulling the ropes” even through its appointed Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev.

Furthermore, Vasil Bozhkov accused the Prime Minister of directly accusing the Prime Minister of destroy the club “because it “destroyed” the companies that finance it.

Sasho Dikov: I received the documents from unknown people

While waiting to deliver the envelope with the documents, Sasho Dikov said: “Yesterday (Tuesday) at 1.32pm, Vasil Bozhkov of Dubai called me and asked if he was committed to handing over the shares to its new owner, Boyko Borissov. I told him that if we were patriots, he would do it.”

The courier journalist said he received the documents from unknown people in the area of ​​St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on Wednesday morning, after which he arrived with them at the Council of Ministers, where he expected to be received by government officials.

According to him, the shares were endorsed to Borisov on May 8. After the prime minister refused to accept them, Dikov said he would return them to where he took them. You can’t give it to fans because the owner’s will is different.

“I accepted because I am convinced that this is the first step to save Levski. The majority owner wants to hand over the shares to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Sports, who have declared their desire to save the team.”Dikov said. He added that if there was a provocation, it was not on his part: “I can’t imagine that someone could help Levski fall asleep and not do it.”

He then took the shares to Levski’s headquarters. The club commented that they would act as if there were no changes to the property.

“Take the actions, boys”

In this situation, Bozhkov could no longer support “Levski”. In January, a crisis meeting was held between Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the leaders of the main factions of the team’s supporters. Participants told Mediapool that Borisov had advised them: “Take the actions, guys, and then we’ll talk.”

Then the idea was launched that the State Sports Tote would sponsor “Levski” with a contract for approximately BGN 1 million per month. In early March, Borissov publicly confirmed his intention. In early May, the prime minister again promised an advertising contract and a loan for the recovery of the team.

Finally, Titi Papazov announced that he would be the new owner of Levski, because Bozhkov had promised him.
