All schools, kindergartens, restaurants and shopping centers in the country are closed ::


All schools, kindergartens, restaurants and shopping centers in the country are closed

Health Minister Kostadin Angelov in the foreground. Photo: Dimitar Kyosemarliev, Investor Media Group

“We need to take further measures to break the chain of coronavirus infection,” Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov said today in a briefing, announcing new restrictive measures that will take effect on Friday (November 27).

The new measures include the extension of the declared emergency situation in 4 months – at the end of March 2021

All classes of attendance are suspended. universities, schools, kindergartens and nurseries. All types are discontinued collective sporting events, seminars, competitions and other entertainment events, including private celebrations.

The prohibition also applies to visits to bars, discos, nightclubs and clubs.

The work of also stops all non-food stores, including shopping malls, except pharmacies, drugstores, postal service providers, banks, insurance companies.

The new measures also propose the cessation of indoor and outdoor excursions. Public transportation is not restricted.

“We are not imposing a blockade, we believe that together we will impose it. In this way, each of you will become a doctor and a nurse. Then they will become heroes in their homes. It is time to meet in the name of life, ”said the Minister of Health.

According to him, a few weeks of discipline will save thousands of lives.

“We cannot afford to lose people’s lives. Now is the time to keep our distance while keeping our distance,” Angelov said.

The measures will be discussed by the government on Wednesday.

The Minister of Health insisted that There will be no checkpoints in regional cities.because this measure has proven to be ineffective over time, especially in the diffuse spread of the disease.

The incidence worldwide already exceeds 250 per 100,000 people, said the Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev.

There are more than 2,000 sick doctors, 30% of whom are doctors and 32% are nurses, said the director of Pirogov, Prof. Asen Baltov.

Chief state health inspector Angel Kunchev presented data on morbidity in the country. It exceeds 250 per 100,000 inhabitants in almost all the countries of Europe. 23,560 cases were registered last week in the country, an increase of 102%. Bulgaria ranks eleventh in morbidity in Europe.

Directors of large metropolitan hospitals commented that the pressure on doctors is enormous. The director of the Military Medical Academy, Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski shared about cases of reinfection in employees of the medical institution.

“There is no system that can resist, our doctors and nurses will not be able to resist. I am willing to assume any responsibility and risk,” said the Minister of Health.

The minister explained that the objective of the new measures is to give the system at least a month so that the infection can be reduced. Some of the measures may be reconsidered around Christmas, Kostadin Angelov said.

According to him, the measures should give results after at least 8 days. The expectations of the health authorities are that the situation improves in two weeks.
