Alexander Yordanov by Silvia Velikova: He also fought with me for the elections


For the support points and journalists as gossipers in the neighborhood: Why did Silvia Velikova and Alexander Yordanov fight?

A rather bizarre scandal was caused by an essentially rather boring interview by BNR journalist Silvia Velikova with GERB / ​​UDF MEP Alexander Yordanov. After him, the former head of the National Assembly exploded on Facebook. And she called Velikova “an extremely rude neighborhood gossip, repeating some landmarks like a broken gramophone.” Then he published a second post: “Chamomile doesn’t bite, but it smells!” said the poet. There are journalists who convince us that this is not the case ”.

On Monday, Velikova’s colleagues from Horizont launched themselves against the MEP because he was trying to discredit her.

Does MEP Alexander Yordanov feel personal guilt for the current state of the UDF, does he think that thanks to the GERB he is in the European Parliament and what are his causes there? – These are some of the journalist’s questions, which angered Yordanov.

The conversation begins by asking him if he considers personal responsibility and guilt for the fact that today the UDF is just a memory. Yordanov, for his part, is beginning to analyze the development of the UDF at the moment, and the journalist asks him not to be a monologue and insists on knowing yes, if the UDF did not use GERB inertia for the European elections, he would now be an MEP. However, Yordanov is visibly affected by this finding, emphasizing that there is nothing wrong with the unification.

And Velikova insists that listeners hold him and his party members responsible for what the UDF is today, because they trusted his ego more than the idea. Then Yordanov made an analysis of the party, Velikova answered with questions, but the two spoke with each other.

Yordanov says it’s time to ask him a “smart question”. However, Velikova replies that he is not the one who evaluates her questions.

The two also enter a dispute over when elections should take place, if there will be early elections, and if the president should set a date.

The questions follow why the UDF supports GERB, if they will depend on them again to get deputies in the next parliament, etc.

Великова ask Yordanov about his work as an MEP. To her reply that she had introduced texts to remove communist symbols from public spaces, Velikova insisted that it was the year 2020 and asked if, in addition to the issue, anti-communism works in others.

Here’s how Alexander Yordanov commented on his interview and his reaction to it:

northand on December 6, under the BNR’s Horizon program, I said that the parliamentary elections should be on March 28. Today, President Rumen Radev said the same thing, that he would schedule the elections for March 28, 2021. But on Saint Nicholas Day, the journalist Silvia Velikova fought with me and not only on this issue.

On the one hand, I was amused because I remember that she and the so-called protesters inflated our heads with the demand for “early elections”, which I explained to them in the summer that it would not happen. And, of course, there are no “snap elections”, nor is there an “interim cabinet” that the president was going to appoint at any time.

In her conversation with me, Velikova tried to convince me that the elections should be at the end of May. This struck me as a sharp breadth of mood, like a child’s whim.

And Rumen Radev and Silvia Velikova are not children. There was an unnecessary dispute, although confirmation of my entitlement came within 24 hours. And i think she

could I

call and

just say:

“Mr. Yordanov,

you were right “

Nothing more.

It is very important that journalists, when speaking to politicians, get at least a little out of politics, not manipulate listeners by taking spoken words out of context, statements made at another time, in another situation. Distinguish between the serious and the ironic in the words of politicians. And another well-intentioned tip. The number with the “landmarks” has already been used. For me, he does not pass at all, and Ms. Velikova and the listeners of “Horizon” were convinced. But since I also worked as a journalist – editor of a newspaper, I was a presenter of a television program, I want to draw the attention of Velikova and other colleagues that it is very important to listen to their interlocutors.

Don’t interrupt with the intention of raising the next “prop” and if they can, of course, ask the questions, making sense of what your guests are saying.

In other words, be careful in conversation, understand it. However, yesterday I asked Velikov

to ask me

at least one smart

question. But no

I waited for it

But no, the election, as is already clear, will be on March 28. The accusations about the “snap elections” or the late May elections are not relevant.

It was said in the conversation that the UDF, which turns 31 on December 7, is not a “memory”, but a political reality that many in the next parliament will take into account.

It was also said that it is normal for parties from the same European political family to form a coalition in elections.

A positive example in our country is the general participation in the European elections of GERB and UDF, members of the European People’s Party. By the way, the UDF not only has its own mayors and councilors in many municipalities, but also provided decisive support in the re-election of the mayor of Sofia, Ms. Yordanka Fandakova. Because otherwise we were threatened by the mayor of the “protester” Maya Manolova. In this context, I pointed out that it is unprincipled for a party from a political family to form a coalition with foreign parties, as the EPP member DSB did, uniting in “democratic Bulgaria” with parties that are our political opponents: the Greens. and the left liberal “Yes, Bulgaria!”. I do not accept this lack of principle: if you are “right”, your place is in the EPP or with the conservatives and reformists.
The UDF has done a lot to have democracy in Bulgaria, so that we can follow the right path: towards NATO and joining the EU. And time has shown that those who left the UDF to pursue “new political projects” got nowhere. And they are still chasing flanks. They helped the BSP, openly and secretly.

The UDF is today the party that can become the guarantor for the BSP to be defeated again in the next elections. At the moment, only GERB in a possible alliance with the UDF can win the BSP elections. The other parties are fighting just to enter parliament, although I do not rule out that some unscrupulous coalition will turn us into it. And I said these truths on national radio, because only the truth needs to be told from their microphones.

Christmas is coming and we must open our hearts to good.

By the way, I explained to Ms. Velikova that decommunication by removing communist symbols from public space and preserving the memory of worthy Bulgarian national awakeners in Macedonia is our national duty. I also work for its implementation as UDF MEP.

I participated in the drafting of the European Parliament Resolution of September 19, 2019 on the importance of European historical memory for the future of Europe.

In acceptance of

resolutions against

Bulgaria no

I have participated
We cannot betray our great Macedonian revivalists and freedom fighters. If we allow the Bulgarian national and national self-consciousness, manifested by them many times and in fateful times, to be posthumously carried away, we will lose our present, we will have no future. Because there is no future without a past. Therefore, the European integration of Macedonia’s northern neighbors will come about when they fully realize their Bulgarian past and origin. And “our common history”, which is created by “common people”.

I wish BNR journalists good health, fewer nervous breakdowns, happy Christmas and New Years holidays! And know that there are no politicians without sin. There are no journalists without sin.
