After Sofia, an unprecedented queue became Plovdiv PHOTOS


The hot weather and the weekends before the Christmas and New Year holidays drove people from their homes. As BLIC wrote despite the restrictive measures by the coronavirus and without being interested in the prevalent coronavirus infection, which claims dozens of lives a day in Bulgaria and Bulgaria’s leadership in mortality in the European Union from the disease Sofians shop in waves at a large chain of stores.

Except in the capital, however, an unprecedented queue arrived in Plovdiv tonight, reports Dozens of young people were waiting their turn to step on the ice rink of the Central Plaza of the city under the hills.

The entrance fee is 8 leva, the rental of skates is 2 leva, and the use of the so-called penguin for up to 40 minutes costs 10 leva.

Using a wardrobe is just a lev, but customers owe a BGN 5 deposit for the key. The slide runs from 10am to 10pm, and between individual sessions there is time for cleaning and rest.

Due to signs that measurements are not met however, massive inspections are beginning at all outlets throughout the Plovdiv region, Trafik reports.

Regional Governor Dani Kanazireva said that starting tomorrow RHI teams and the Interior Ministry will verify commercial sites if they follow orders from the Minister of Health and Regional Crisis Personnel.

“We received numerous signals for non-compliance with the measures and no control in the stores. At the beginning, when we introduced the measures, all the outlets showed understanding and were compliant with the measures.

We have a set number of visitors for each site based on size. In Plovdiv, we have even imposed stricter requirements for the number of clients than the order of the Minister of Health. Today there were also inspections by RHI, and above all the customers did not observe responsible behavior, ”said Kanazireva.

The order of the Regional Medical Headquarters shows that the fine of retail establishments that do not provide a distance between customers of 2 meters when organizing their activities is threatened with a fine of 500 to 2000 lev, and in case of repeated violation, the fine it is up to 5000 cams.

Some of the sites even have a limit to admit people at the same time.
