ABV presented the leaders of their lists in Sofia, Mangarov, with a new open speech – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


The ABV party presented its candidates for deputies on the 23rd, 24th and 25th MIR in Sofia for the next parliamentary elections on April 4.

“On our lists there are people who have proven their professional worth and their ability to protect the public and national interest,” said the president of the political organization Rumen Petkov.

“Energy is present in all age groups, but almost 1/3 of the 35 candidates we have nominated are up to 40 years old. This convinces me that we are the bearers of change. Thanks to those who have committed to supporting our policy and our campaign. We remain concerned that the campaign will not talk about politics and political and management decisions, but will focus on instilling fear. I would like to emphasize with great pleasure and respect to our candidates in the three regions that our thinking radiates energy and dignity, character.

I am proud that on our lists there are 6 qualified people, three doctors, three lawyers, people committed to national security, the economy and the administration. This wealth of personalities reflects Sofia’s needs. They are the bearers of this dignity and this power of the Bulgarian intellect, which have made us and should make us proud Europeans.

I express my sincere thanks, not because it is said in such cases, but because I am convinced and express the opinion of many about the commitment of Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov. If something is missing from our society today, it is the real analysis of the situation and the provision of the necessary information to citizens so that they can make their assessment of the actions and inactions of the institutions on a national, European and global scale ”.

Hristo Kolev, leader of AVB-Sofia and leader of the 25 MIR in the capital: Those of the PP ABV fight for a new moral, for the implementation of a new policy that will bring changes

“It is very important for us to increase income, have a normal lifestyle for retirees and work for young people, our cause is that young people stay in Bulgaria. I appeal to those who have the right to vote to go to the polls on April 4, because now is the time to decide on the future of Bulgaria. The change is possible and its carrier is PP ABV. Thank you for getting involved and for having the courage to assert your position. As president of the PP ABV organization of the city of Sofia, at the moment I am proud, because the lists, these 35 people are all proven, they have authority in some places. Everyone is doing something and to this day they have done something to improve the living environment in Bulgaria. The best quality list of the three MIRs is from ABV. As a potential, as a moral, as a professional, no other party can nominate such candidates. ABC we follow principles and policies that we do not budge from.

If things don’t change now, one day my children will simply have no choice but to leave or stay. They will have to leave, because in the last 10 years nothing has been said about this government. This is an anti-Bulgarian policy. Those of the ABC Party fight for a new morality, for the implementation of a new policy that will bring changes. The representatives of the ABV Party are very clear about which path they have taken and why, on behalf of Bulgaria. “

Dr. Plamena Zayachka, ABV-Youth leader and ABV leader at 24 MIR in Sofia and Kardzhali: PP ABV demonstrates and proves its expertise every day

For seven years, PP ABV has had policies of national responsibility in all sectors. I joined the battle and agreed to be the leader of the PP ABV list in 24 MIR, also in Kardzhali, because I believe that change starts with each one of us. To change something, you must be actively involved and be the change you want to see. For the first time I am the leader of the list and I am leaving with confidence not only because of the people who are on the list with me and throughout Sofia, but also because of the people who are on ABV.

PP ABV proved and proves its expertise every day. Today, after the coronary crisis and the measures, we have an urgent need for potential, strategy and experience to bring Bulgaria after the health measures, followed by the economic and social ones.

Sofia has unique potential, it can be both a ski destination and a seaside resort, and to develop seaside tourism, which is undeveloped and has been for years. The capital needs a new vision and it is time to stop talking about a shortage of places in nurseries and kindergartens. How many years has this problem been solved? Once again, 6,000 children a year cannot find a nursery. We have been listening to this for 10 years. ABC at the local level, where there are representatives, proved that free nurseries and kindergartens are possible and we want to do it here too. Currently, an entire industry with more than 300,000 people, which produces 12% of Bulgaria’s GDP, is on the brink of bankruptcy. We are on our way from March 13 to bankrupt the entire “Tourism” sector with one-to-one tour operators, who will leave us all who have previously paid a package offer, a trip without returning our money, because the state does not wants to stop and support these people. We – the people to return our money. This is just one example, and it will be a wave, because there are more subsectors with tour operators. “

Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov, leader of the PP ABV lists at 23 MIR in Sofia and Varna: The measures against COVID-19 are led by a band of fans

“The measures that are being taken are led by a gang of fans who do not know what to do and follow someone’s orders and are guided by goals that are not medical. It will be one year since the coronavirus arrived in Bulgaria. Since then, these crazy measures have begun. I say “crazy” because at first it was said that this is a new virus, we do not understand anything and we do not know what we will do and that we will learn as we go. As a result, activities such as the closing of gardens, parks, stadiums began and children were suspended from school. Life stopped. Why was this done? Because the imposition of these measures was assumed by people who were not familiar with all this activity and simply did not know what to do and began to parrot the things that were introduced in other countries. As a result, the number of additional deaths last year was 15,000 to 16,000, less than half of them with COVID-19. More died from the ineffectiveness and insufficiency of all these measures, because they were imposed by surgeons, orthopedists, neurosurgeons, microbiologists. People who have not dealt with these things.

This morning I was in Blagoevgrad and I was impressed that every second store is for rent and the city is empty. There are no students. There is no business. The same is observed when a person passes in Sofia through Rakovska or any other street. The government says they have done very well. With what? Medical results are available. The economic ones are also visible. The tourism industry by 70% down. Children do not go to school for a whole year. This year, the first class of medical students virtually graduated. Maybe they just become GPs, because currently only GPs can treat someone remotely and over the phone.

Uncertainties continue about coronavirus vaccines. It is not clear whether those who are vaccinated will be able to transmit the infection or not. Or the goal is simply to get a certificate that the people are full. Initially it was said that only those who were vaccinated would be entitled to these immunization passports. With a lot of talk and a lot of pressure, they finally said that those who got sick could also have such a document. This is an incredibly stupid and amateur thing. We with the ABV party are on one side of the barrier and I believe that all the people who do not want this to continue, who want things to change, are welcome with their votes ”.

Sofia, Bulgaria
