A young inspector put a COVID-19 cured in the “dead” column, she cried, and he did not understand (Review)


Installed immediately the error, but didn’t know how to fix it

A 28-year-old man was pronounced dead yesterday morning due to an error in entering the data on the development of the RHI epidemic in Stara Zagora. The other impact of the news from all the media was that the young man, a victim of COVID-19, did not have any concomitant disease. At noon, the health inspection “brought the patient back to life.”

“The error is purely technical. The data is entered into the Unified Information Portal in the afternoon, after the end of the laboratories working day. While working on the computer,


your phone

the young man

a colleague who


data without

wants, pressed

Wrong password He immediately found out about his mistake and tried to correct it, but the system is firmly protected and did not accept his correction. The colleague did not know that he had to call an operator and he would make the change in the data already entered. But he was left with the impression that everything was going well, until today (aka – yesterday) the Ministry of Health pointed out the problem.

They found it after detecting the information. U.S

We apologize

for the mistake, a

the girl who

allowed him, well

very annoying

I can’t calm him down, ”said the director of RHI in Stara Zagora Dr. Stanimir Stankov yesterday before“ 24 hours ”.

There is also an error in the report on the case of the Ministry of Health. The man was not treated in a hospital and from there he was discharged as healthy, as announced, but was at home. This became clear after Professor Dr. Yovcho Yovchev, director of the only health institution in Stara Zagora that treats the coronavirus, the university hospital, insisted that these days they did not prescribe a 28-year-old cured man. Only women were discharged. , a 27-year-old, explained the teacher.

The RHI in Stara Zagora insists that by law they have no right to tell the media who the patient is who was declared dead by mistake. Furthermore, he himself did not find out about the mistake at all, as his name is not mentioned anywhere. He was cured on September 9 because he gave a second negative PCR test on the same date.

Thus, the number of victims reported yesterday went from 10 to 9.

The dead

of infection

Bulgarians already

they are 710

122 new cases were reported in 5145 studied, Sofia and Blagoevgrad remain the first. Active cases in Bulgaria as of September 10 in the morning were 4259. There are 60 in intensive care units, 753 in total.

The affected doctors are already 982. In just one week in Varna there are 5 new doctors, a nurse and two laboratory assistants. They all contracted the virus while on vacation, said RHI – Varna Director Dochka Mihaylova.

The death rate in Pazardzhik reached 10%, according to local health authorities: since the beginning of the pandemic in the region there are 741 patients and 71 deaths. (24 hours)
