A woman sentenced SRZI for isolation


A woman won a case against RHI from the capital after 14 days of forced isolation. The decision is the Administrative Court of Sofia.

It is clear from the case that the woman, who is suing the health authorities, attended a routine test because a colleague from her work was ill. Your result is “negative”, then you get a second, this time “positive”. However, according to the rule, only the positive result is entered into the Information System on the basis of which it should have been automatically isolated.

“One of the main reasons for the decision of the Administrative Court is that there are two different tests. Consequently, RHI was forced to carry out a third test to verify which of the two results is reliable,” said attorney Mariana Mitova.

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Because this was not done, the woman spent 14 days in isolation at home, not really knowing if she was indeed a carrier of the virus. And lawyers are adamant: even in a pandemic situation, people should have a choice.

However, this turns out to be one of many similar cases already underway. We are contacted by another victim who is in the same situation. Georgi Georgiev is currently in isolation, after testing positive for COVID-19. Although only a day after that, a second test was done, which came back negative. Health authorities only take into account the positive.

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Due to heavy financial losses, Georgi also turned to a lawyer. However, your attorney is adamant: even if they win the case, the decision will be made long after your isolation ends.

At this time there is no response from the health authorities, and the Law continues to establish that any person who has given a positive sample is subject to a mandatory isolation of 14 days. Even then there are some with a negative result.


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