A virologist explained how the Covid-19 vaccine works, if it is dangerous – Topics in development


IN Virologist Prof. Lyubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb, Head of the Virology Department of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, explained how the innovative vaccine against Covid-19, based on RNA (ribonucleic acid) information, works.

There are at least 10-15 vaccines that are in the third phase of clinical trials. Pfizer are the most advanced, their vaccine is a new technology based on nucleic acids, said associate professor Nikolaeva in “Hello, Bulgaria”. The Moderna company vaccine follows the same principle. The principle consists of injecting a ribonucleic acid that carries information about one of the surface proteins of the coronavirus. This RNA reaches the cells and as a result of the vaccine a protein is formed, our body reacts with the appearance of immune cells that will recognize the coronavirus. Thus our body will be prepared for an encounter with the coronavirus. At the same time, RNA molecules are unstable, they enter the human body, do their job, and break down, which is why the safety profile of RNA-based vaccines is so good, the virologist said.

When asked if it is possible for the vaccinated person to become infected, Assistant Professor Nikolaeva explained that the vaccine is not an infected material, it is not a virus, the vaccine is not based on live vaccines that infect. Such vaccines against other diseases exist, but none of the Covid-19 vaccines are alive, he said.

Concerned whether the vaccines were safe enough, the virologist explained that very large clinical trials were underway. For example, for the Pfizer vaccine, this is more than 40,000 people, per. Modern: 30 thousand people. According to assistant professor Nikolaeva, it is impossible to hide whether the tests show side effects.

A rule in virology is that a vaccine should be administered to a perfectly healthy person. ” If we get infected with Covid-19 unknowingly and get vaccinated, in theory, everything should be fine. However, this is not desirable. “Doctors are carefully asking who our contacts were to avoid such a case as much as possible,” he added.

Professor Chorbanov’s statement that the vaccines created are not effective and safe is imperative. For a series of vaccines there are already results from the first and second phase of clinical trials, these phases also give the safety profile, so everything is under control, said the specialist.

Assistant Professor Nikolaeva herself is currently in quarantine because she has contracted a coronavirus. “I am fortunate to have a relatively mild form of the disease. The first days were tough, but now I am fine. Drink lots of fluids: 2-3 liters a day, vitamin D and aspirin. I do not take antibiotics. As a virologist, I have very of course there is no need for antibiotics. For me, the viral infection had no complications with bacteria, “said Lyubomira Nikolaeva. He stressed that since the virus releases many toxins, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids to cleanse the body of them.

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