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November will strengthen the coronavirus. This is demonstrated by the forecasts of the experts. It turns out that the weather conditions will also help the infection spread faster. As early as last month, the WHO announced that as the weather cooled, the speed of the virus increased. Conditions next month will be favorable due to the expected fog. This was explained by the climatologist Prof. Georgi Rachev, quoted by “Telegraph”. Dangerous in the fall are not so low temperatures, but high humidity and fog.
Fortunately, no serious haze is expected, at least until the end of the month. The pollutants in them irritate the throat and create an opportunity to develop inflammation, which is an open door for the invasion of all kinds of viruses, explains the expert. During these months there are not only fogs, but also low layer clouds, and in the valleys, plains and lowlands the duration of sunlight decreases dramatically, that is. direct ultraviolet radiation marks its minimum.
In December and January in the mountains it is much sunnier, and in the lowlands, if there is no fog, there are low clouds. This prevents the free penetration of sunlight, which is deadly for all viruses. The coronavirus feels great at almost any temperature. Only ultraviolet radiation and dry air are lethal to him.