A team from the Military Medical Academy found an important detail in the operation of a patient with COVID-19


During the operation of a patient with coronavirus infection, a team of medical professionals from the Military Medical Academy found that the patient did not respond to the standard doses of anticoagulants used in other similar cases. Doctors share the important detail in an effort to help colleagues who may find themselves in a similar situation, the hospital said.

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Doctors enter the special operating room to work with such patients as a matter of urgency due to the deteriorating state of a 58-year-old patient with severe infection: severe respiratory failure, saturation 75 (blood oxygen level), with a detailed clinical picture of massive bilateral. pneumonia and concomitant diseases high blood pressure and mild heart failure. He was diagnosed with severe pain and coldness in the lower right limb and was evaluated by specialists for urgent vascular and reconstructive treatment due to the risk of deterioration in health.

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“We are talking about an emergency university, where a scenario for intraoperative treatment was proposed, despite the serious general condition of the patient. And the objective is clear: to prevent a possible amputation,” said Dr. Svetozar Marangozov.

❗️ IMPORTANT for operations on COVID patients❗ 👉The specialists of the Vascular Surgery Clinic of …

Posted by Military Medical Academy – MMA on Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The operation takes about 1.5 hours according to all protocols to protect the patient, staff and prevent the spread of dangerous infections in the hospital.

Due to the limited experience in the operations of patients with proven COVID-19 and the complexity of the situation derived from the general condition of the patient, doctors operate on an individual algorithm for surgical interventions in such a situation.

This requires the use of an innovative approach to control the situation and the application of much higher doses of anticoagulants to treat and prevent vascular complications of a similar type in these patients.

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Even after the operation, the patient receives very high doses of anticoagulants and vasodilators, and his condition is stable, thanks to interdisciplinary teamwork at the Military Medical Academy.

The team at the Vascular Surgery Clinic, led by Prof. Kuzman Girov, is in the process of developing an algorithm to work with these patients for prevention and treatment in surgical clinics, as well as to improve the quality of medical care .


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