A series of real-life coincidences in the Strawberry Moon series


Surprising a firefighter is not easy, but it is not impossible. Most of the time, Georgi Dimitrov Dzhambazov works and does not watch television. But one day he turns on the television and looks on the small screen like a mirror.

The first, second and third names and professions are the same. What is the chance that a screenwriter creates an image exactly with his identity and hits all three names? So, one of the most famous actors in the country to portray yourself? Without suspecting that you exist? Any questions that get to George’s head. He decided to write to director Milena Fuchedzhieva. Find it on Facebook.

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“This character is the product of my partner Elena Ivanova’s imagination. She decided it would be George. The last names were resolved on the fly. One day I received a letter on Facebook from Georgi Dimitrov Dzhambazov,” she says.

And two days later we decided to meet them live …

“The real Georgi’s father was a miner in Malko Turnovo. My father was also a miner there,” says Milena Fuchedzhieva. This makes reality more interesting than a movie. His wife is also spoken in the same way as the heroine of the series.

When Alexander Sano learns that his character is made of flesh and blood and is a mark of fire, he looks for him opposite. Against the home he has lived in for 12 years. “Every day, from my bedroom window, I see the fire department. I immediately went to speak. He and his colleagues are great people to whom we owe a lot as a society.”

Suspicious evidence of the scene of the fire in “Strawberry Moon”

Faced with Asen Blatechekie’s hero, the true Georgi recognizes his mentors in the profession. “When I started in 1999, many firefighters left. And the old could not pass on their experience to the new. This was strongly felt in our system.”

And a strange coincidence more like in the movie: it turns out that the house, which in the series is Georgi’s house, is nobody. her grandmother lived for many years.

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“When we don’t have a real explanation, we explain things with fate or with God. You say to yourself: Look at what life is! Great things also happen,” said Alexander Sano categorically.

Don’t miss the Strawberry Moon on Tuesday night from 10 p.m. M. Follow the site https://nova.bg/ to know the series and its characters, as well as the Facebook page.
