A quick test shows the age of your soul: ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion.


Each of us feels at a completely different age than we are now. Sometimes the weight of life makes us feel older at heart, and other times a carefree life makes us significantly rejuvenated.

To find out how old your soul is, answer this question:

Do you live in a house. It has snowed a lot outside at night and in the morning you open your eyes, you see snow. What is the first thing you will do?

Choose one of the possible answers:

1. You will make a snowman.

2. You will go out in slippers and pajamas, just to touch the snow.

3. You will see how messy the car is and you will clean it.

4. You will open the window and reach out to touch the snow on the ledge.

5. You will go out with a shovel to make a path to the street.

6. You will take a photo of the snow and send it to a loved one.

Now see what each of the answers means and what it says about your soul:

A quick test shows the age of your soul

1. You will make a snowman – If you have given this answer, then your soul is childish, pure and innocent, and its age is about 15 years. You see the world in a magical way and you always look first at the beautiful and the fabulous, and then at the gray and the ordinary. Always keep your spirit so young that you are so happy!

2. You will go out in slippers and pajamas, just to touch the snow. – You love adventure, you still believe in miracles and your soul is 20 years old. You still have childhood in you, but you are already looking at the world more seriously. You have your responsibilities and duties, but you always do them with a smile on your face.

3. You will see how messy the car is and clean it – your soul is 45 years old. You are a very practical person who first does your duty and only then enjoys what others see. Life has taught you that you have to be responsible and always think about others, which makes you very special and good people.

4. You will open the window and reach out to touch the snow on the ledge. – your soul is still young, only 30 years old. You feel the world differently, you are optimistic about life and your smile never leaves your face. You are contagious with humor and joy around you, who loves you very much precisely for what you love.

5. You will go out with a shovel to make your way to the street – your soul is 55 years old. You prefer to do your homework first and only then enjoy the snow … or the finer things in life. You may have forgotten that it is the little things around us that make the world a beautiful and happy place. Maybe next time I will go out and enjoy the snow and life, instead of thinking about serious things.

6. You will take a photo of the snow and send it to a loved one: your soul is 25 years old! You can see the fabulous and beautiful around you, stop, look at it, and appreciate the little moments in life. You have a lot of positive energy that everyone sees and everyone tries to be close to you to infect them with joy and positivism. You are young at heart, never lose the magic!
