A positive COVID antigen test will result in isolation – Health


A positive COVID antigen test will be isolated

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

Experts from the Ministry of Health are expected to give an opinion before the weekend on whether the results of the coronavirus antigen tests will match the PCR tests. This was learned from the words of the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov after his visit to a warehouse where protective equipment for health system workers is stored, as well as antigen tests.

Prof. Angelov left a loophole where “I would not like to predict what the outcome will be” from the work of the experts, but I still set the expectation that the results of the antigenic tests for coronavirus and the PCR tests will lead to the mandatory isolation of people with a positive result for 14 days, and their close contacts will be quarantined for ten days.

This decision would be important for the panorama of the COVID epidemic in Bulgaria, because now the positive results of antigen tests, which are carried out in hospitals, diagnostic and counseling centers (former clinics) and Emergency Aid, are not included in the official statistics presented. everyday. Because on the basis of a positive antigen test it can be diagnosed, but is not considered an official result, those studied in this way formally at the moment cannot isolate themselves and rely on their conscience to do so. .

At the same time, since early November, when antigen testing began to be used more widely, data summarized by the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases shows that there is a steady downward trend in CRP testing.

Weekly graphical analysis of data from the National Information System on COVID-19 in Bulgaria

Weekly graphical analysis of data from the National Information System on COVID-19 in Bulgaria

On Monday, the Minister of Health announced that antigen test results will not be entered retrospectively and have not yet been filled into a single registry. According to him, in the next few days 1 million and 200 thousand antigen tests will be distributed to hospitals, emergency centers and regional health inspections (RHI) in the country.

As for the restrictions due to the COVID epidemic, Angelov has not yet been clear if he will withdraw and which ones will withdraw after December 21, because the final decision is up to the entire government. “As Health Minister, I will insist that the measures remain as they are,” said Kostadin Angelov. He said nightclubs and schools should remain closed, but “a decision on restaurants and shopping centers has not yet been made.” So far, the latter are on the list of places whose work is limited due to the epidemic.
