A parliament without journalists is not a National Assembly, but a Party House – Analysis


Security closes the official entrance of the old Party House from the inside with a lattice, a chain and a padlock.

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

Security closes the official entrance of the old Party House from the inside with a lattice, a chain and a padlock.

The Association of European Journalists – Bulgaria, insists that the leadership of the National Assembly provide adequate working conditions for media representatives.

On Wednesday, the first day of the new political season, journalists covering the work of parliament were surprised that

they are assigned a place on the ground floor of the old Party House,

where the National Assembly will sit.

Reporters do not have access to the rest of the building, where entry is made with magnetic cards, which only parliamentarians and employees have.

This restriction seriously hampers the work of the media, which will not have direct access to parliamentarians and will be in a position to transmit only declarations and protocol announcements.

In a parliamentary republic, it is unacceptable for parliament to feel in the dark

and the representatives of the people to separate themselves from the media. This is also a violation of the constitutional right to seek and receive information.

Restrictions on journalists’ access to parliamentarians were also introduced in the former National Assembly building due to anti-epidemic measures.

AEJ – Bulgaria, is of the opinion that the organization established for the protection of the health of employees in the parliament should be such that

Not to violate the right of access to information and transparency in the work of this institution.

A separate question is whether there are good conditions for the work of journalists, whether the air conditioning and heating system works, whether they receive good sound from the plenary hall, and whether the Internet and good opportunities for the transmission of information are provided, which it is also essential for professional commitments. the media.

AEJ – Bulgaria, categorically affirms that a building in which the media is crowded in isolation could be the House of the Party, but not the National Assembly of a democratic state.

The column “Analysis” presents different points of view, the opinions expressed do not necessarily coincide with the editorial position of “Dnevnik”.
