A hospital in Burgas refused to accept a patient with COVID-19 – Hospitals


A Burgas hospital refused to admit a coronavirus patient due to lack of beds.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 13560

A woman from Nessebar was taken by ambulance between different settlements and returned home. Over the phone, an employee explained that there were no beds available in the hospitals for the treatment of COVID patients and that even if the patient were transferred, they would not be admitted for treatment.

Masks become a must in the open air. Minister Angelov also commented on the situation with the president.

There is a recording of the telephone conversation. “- We call all the hospitals about your case and there are no free beds anywhere. Tell us what we are doing, tell me what to do and I will do it! Should I want a helicopter, I don’t know, Boyko Borissov?Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959 Should I call? Todor Marvakov was quoted by BTV.

Thus began the dismantling of hospitals for women diagnosed with the virus a few days ago.

“She goes to the doctors, but they bring her back, yesterday they came with an ambulance, they took her, then they brought her back. They bring her sick, infected with the virus, we have a small child, we have a disabled person. She has difficulty with breathe, then it’s serious, “said Olga Panayotova. aunt of the patient who returned.

Family members of the patient are concerned. “I did not expect such a thing, refusing to accept the girl. Masks are constantly being hawked to put on and come back sick, infected with the virus,” complained Olga Panayotova.

The patient’s employer also began seeking medical help.

Todor Marvakov, speaking to the Emergency Service: “Why are you engaged, I don’t know?”

“We can send an ambulance, they will take her to the first hospital, we will call again. They will tell us there are no beds!”

Todor Marvakov yells: “Please give!”

“And we will take her home. This is what I can tell you. We will take her to Burgas and bring her back to Nessebar,” said the Emergency Service.

“Write down the address, thank you very much, listen to me!” Says Marvakov.

The health inspection has no explanation why hospitals refuse if there are free beds. “About 60 free beds, I say this because they can be changed from today or at the end of the working day, but we have free beds in the Burgas region,” said Dr. Georgi Pazderov, director of RHI-Burgas.

“Why the ambulance staff say there are no beds the inspection will set up, I want to know why, who and how gave such explanations over the phone, as well as why the hospital refused to accept or provide medical care,” added Dr. Georgi. Паздеров.

The Emergency Service informs that they are conducting an internal inspection.

The minister also commented on the case. He says that this cannot happen if he does not lie down and that he will not allow it. The Ministry of Health will also handle the case.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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