A German vaccine can save from COVID-19 from November


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The BNT162b2 coronavirus vaccine, developed by giant Pfizer and biotech company BioNTech, could receive emergency approval from November, SPIEGEL reported. It is one of 10 in the final third phase of testing and its effectiveness can be confirmed by the end of October, Dariknews reported.

The scientists involved in its development are so confident that they have confirmed the production of millions of doses to distribute in an instant on the web as soon as approval is obtained. The drug is currently administered to volunteers, a total of 30,000 people, aged between 18 and 85 years.

“Let me be clear: if the results are positive, Pfizer will seek emergency authorization for its use (of the vaccine) in the United States once its safety is confirmed in the third week of November,” said Albert Burla, executive director of the pharmaceutical company. a giant that also produces the famous Viagra.

“As I said, we are working with the speed of science, which means that we will know if our vaccine is effective or not by the end of October,” Burla added.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has therefore confirmed that it is currently urgently analyzing the vaccine in question through an accelerated process, precisely because of the encouraging results of the 2 previous experimental phases. The European Commission (EC) has concluded 3 contracts for the supply of vaccines for EU countries with the companies Sanofi (for 300 million doses), with AstraZeneca (300 million doses) and with Johnson & Johnson (for 200 million doses). dose). Negotiations are currently underway for a similar contract for the BioNTech / Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine.

The German company BioNTech is the main reason for the rapid development of the vaccine. As early as April, it began developing a drug to be the first to develop a vaccine capable of becoming a barrier to the spread of the virus as soon as possible. His deputy director, Ugyur Shahin, a German-born descendant of Turkish settlers, and his wife, Ozlem Tureci, announced high hopes in September for the development of a highly effective vaccine against the coronavirus.

“In January, I read an article in The Lancet that was talking about this virus,” Shahin told Business Insider. “

Now, perhaps a month before the drug is available to the world, the company already has a market value of $ 20 billion, which triples after the good data on the developed vaccine came to light.

The German company and the American giant expect to produce 100 million doses by the end of 2020, after providing transparent research data, including drawbacks or side effects of the injection.

To take the lead over its competitors, the German company relied on a cancer drug developed by them, for which Yugur Shahin received the German Cancer Prize in 2019, and to which it applied its knowledge about the new coronavirus.

This drug was one of the great successes of BioNTech and its creator, and if the company’s current coronavirus vaccine is approved, Shahin would become a hero to all earthlings.
